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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


Earlier this week, a federal judge clarified that the Trump fraud commission’s request for sensitive voter data is just that — a request. The commission does not, and certainly Kobach does not, have the authority to compel states to surrender voters’ personal data.

But this isn’t stopping Trump, Pence, Kobach, and this commission from trying to intimidate states into complying with his request. Let me reassure you: I will not provide the Commission with the personal data of California voters. 

Californians can be confident that when they register to vote or cast a ballot I will protect against presidential overreach and any effort to compel my office to turn over their private and sensitive information.

Today, Trump is trying to take away people’s health care, ban transgender soldiers from serving in our nation’s military, and attempting to suppress the vote. It’s time to stand and resist. It’s time to raise our voices and let Trump know that we will fight his efforts to take away our rights.

I am proud to stand with many Republican and Democratic secretaries of state who have also refused to comply with the fraud commission’s request. While it might seem as if there isn’t much bipartisanship when it comes to voting rights, I’m happy to share that at the last meeting of the National Association of Secretaries of State, secretaries unanimously approved a resolution reaffirming our duty to protect the integrity of our elections, including the secrecy of the ballot, security, and personal information included in our voter rolls.

I will continue to stand for your rights and your privacy. We cannot and will not stop fighting.

Thank you,
Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State