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As I exited a plane with my 3-year-old son at Sacramento International Airport on Sunday, we stopped for a moment so he could see first-hand what democracy looks like — watching protesters stand up for all those who live in our great nation, chanting “No Ban, No Wall.”

In demonstrations like this in airports across the United States, Americans are mobilizing to say NO to the Trump administration’s policies of exclusion. In California, we understand that our nation was built by hard-working immigrants, and only grows stronger with more diversity and acceptance.

All 38 California Democratic members of Congress and both United States Senators have expressed their opposition to the “Muslim Ban,” but California Republicans in Congress have yet to take a stand against the Trump administration’s executive order.

From opposing the president’s ill-conceived proposal to “build a wall” to rejecting the unconstitutional exclusion of immigrants based on their religion, Democrats will keep fighting for our values.

As a California Democrat, we urge you to call Republican United States representatives using the numbers in this document and let them know you oppose Trump’s “Muslim Ban.”

We are at a crossroads — your voice has never been more important. Join me in taking action by calling Republican United States representatives TOD‌AY.

Thank you for being a California Democrat.

Shawnda Westly
Senior Strategist
California Democratic Party
