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California’s election results brought good news on an otherwise hard day for so many of us.

Empowering All Californians

Here in the Golden State we continue to lead the way to build a stronger, more inclusive democracy where all people’s voices are heard. I’m proud to report that in this election:

  • We set a new voter registration record in California with over 19.4 million Californians registered to vote!
  • We didn’t just register — turnout was strong, with 14 million ballots cast by California voters.

And it wasn’t a coincidence. It was a collective effort. Thank you to all the volunteers, candidates, and campaigns who dedicated time and resources to register voters in communities throughout the state. I tried to do my part, traveling the state and partnering with high schools, community colleges, universities, military bases, the business community, professional sports teams, and countless community organizations getting the word out on the importance of registering and voting.

I especially thank our social media partners, including Facebook and Google, for helping drive hundreds of thousands of new voters to our online voter registration tool. Our work was recently recognized by the Sacramento Bee.

Building A Progressive California

On November 8, California voters reaffirmed a positive vision for our state by electing Kamala Harris to United States Senate, a proven progressive who will fill the shoes of retiring Senator Barbara Boxer. California voters also passed a series of measures including Proposition 55 to maintain a stable state budget and protect public education and health care funding, Proposition 56 which raises the tax on cigarettes, and Proposition 67 to uphold the California Plastic Bag Ban.

I’m especially proud of Proposition 67. I authored the bill to phase out single-use plastic bags my final year in the State Senate. California became the first state in the nation to ban single-use plastic bags statewide, only to see out-of-state plastic bag manufacturers pour millions of dollars into a signature-gathering effort and referendum. I’m glad, but not surprised, that Californians saw right through their arguments and upheld the law. It will be good for our environment, for state and local government budgets, and will reduce blight in all communities.

To view all statewide election results, click here.

Continuing To Fight For California

A lot of our family and friends are disappointed with or concerned about the outcome of the Presidential election. That’s understandable. But I’ve known for a long time that progress doesn’t come easy. I promise to continue to fight for California and the country we love.

In fact, just last Thursday, I called out President-elect Trump for his selection of Kris Kobach to his immigration transition team. Kris Kobach is the leader of Arizona’s SB 1070, the law that requires proof of citizenship at all times, and a proponent of building the wall and requiring photo IDs to vote. Click here to read more.

I’m comforted knowing that California remains a beacon of hope for the rest of the country. Like you, I am committed to fighting for the California we love, the diversity we value, and the principles we hold dear.


Alex Padilla