I am humbled to report that over the summer, my campaign to put our students first earned the support of key community organizations in my district:
Fresno County Democratic Party
FMTK Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Central Valley Progressive PAC
(Partial List)
Overwhelming Support
Nelson is the official candidate of the Democratic Party in his race for the Fresno County Board of Education in District #3- and is recommended to voters on the official party slate.
Pictured below: One of Nelson’s most adorable supporters.
Students & Families
The FMTK Central Labor Council and the Central Valley Progressive PAC share Nelson’s commitment to serving our students and families of Fresno County.
With 43 days to go before Election Day on November 8th- there is still much work to be done!
Nelson Esparza for Fresno County Board of Education, District 3 2016
P.O. Box 17114
Fresno, CA 93744