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September 20, 2016

Experience, Competence and Strength

FRESNO—What America needs in a president is experience, competency and strength. Over Hillary Clinton’s lifelong career of public service, she has proven that she possesses those qualities.

Donald Trump, on the other hand, has proven time and time again that he is weak. He envies dictatorial strongmen, praising people like Vladimir Putin, Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong-un for their strangleholds on their domestic politics or brutal suppression of any threats to their power.

Trump has no experience in executive leadership, political coalition building or the details of government policy work and shows no inclination of a desire to learn. Instead, he praises himself as a “genius” and lashes out like an angry child at any insult against him. As a private individual, that kind of ignorance and weak willed action is sad, but in a president it is dangerous.

“The stakes in this election are simply too important to risk turning our country over to an unstable individual with a history of lying, corruption and doing business with suspect actors,” says Michael D. Evans, chair of the Fresno County Democratic Party.

America is a young nation, created whole cloth out of the scraps of a hundred countries. The unity we have made out of those parts is one of our strengths. Clinton has worked to expand inclusion in our communities and our economy, and as Secretary of State she helped knit the world together with us. She successfully negotiated a nuclear arms reduction treaty, built a coalition to sanction Iran and then led the team that got the Iranians to agree to abandon their nuclear weapons program.

With Trump, there is considerable risk from his foreign business entanglements. The Sept. 14 edition of Newsweek presented a frightening scenario: “Never before has an American candidate for president had so many financial ties with American allies and enemies, and never before has a business posed such a threat to the United States. If Donald Trump wins this election and his company is not immediately shut down or forever severed from the Trump family, the foreign policy of the United States of America could well be for sale.”

“Sitting on the sidelines is not an option in this election,” Evans said. “Vote for sanity, competence and a better future for our country. Hillary Clinton can deliver.”

The Fresno County Democratic Party is united behind Hillary Clinton for President. The official Coordinated Campaign headquarters is at 1035 U Street in downtown Fresno. To volunteer or for more information, contact 559-495-0606 or