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*** No candidate for U.S. Senate has been endorsed by the CDP ***

This last week I asked you step up for my campaign in a big way. We set a goal of raising $50,000 online, and you didn’t disappoint. In fact, you all crushed it.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for sustaining our campaign for a brighter, more progressive future.

Just yesterday, we were handed another reminder of what’s at stake in this election.

Trump declared that he would be sending our already overstretched military to guard the border while his racist “wall” is being built.

I can think of no better reminder for why we’re all in this together.

With this president, and this White House, there can be no compromise. We must unequivocally resist his efforts to roll our country backwards and divide us.

That’s why I’m running for Senate to begin with, and why I’m so grateful you stepped up to help us.

Michael, I promise you this: I’ll always take on the tough fights and speak out for what’s right.

It’s good to know that you’ll have my back on this journey.

In gratitude,
