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Team, did you see this?

The New York Times: Trump and R.N.C. Raised $105 Million in 2nd Quarter…

During the past three months, Republicans have doubled down on their fundraising. Here are the numbers:

Trump raised $54 million and the Republican National Committee raised $51 million.

We always knew we’d be the underdog in this race. We won’t take any money from corporate PACs, federal lobbyists, pharma c-suite executives, or fossil fuel money — none of it. But the Republicans don’t play by the same rules.

They have dark money groups, super PACs, and deep-pocketed donors funding their efforts going into this election.

Cory won’t owe any political favors to millionaires or billionaires. This campaign is built for and by the people of this grassroots community — like you.

But while we’re busy competing for the nomination, the RNC is laying the groundwork for what they’re hoping will be an electoral sweep: the White House, the Senate, and Congress all in Republican control. And they’ve already started attacking the Democrats they fear the most in this race. That includes Cory.

From the NRA to Trump, Republicans have their eyes on Cory in this crowded race. And now we know they have a huge fundraising advantage.

So this is where I’m going to ask you to chip in for the first time to help us get a running start for this summer.

We’ve set a large fundraising goal this summer to combat the far-right attacks that’ll be coming for Cory — that means we’re relying on this grassroots team to get it done.

Can you chip in for the first time to help amplify Cory’s voice against the RNC’s war chest?

Thanks for being part of this community,

Lauren Dikis
National Finance Director








Paid for by Cory 2020


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It’s time for leadership that can reignite our spirit of common purpose. That takes all of us.