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This has been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of the week’s activities.

Campaign Finance Task Force
Yesterday, Chair Bauman and the statewide officers of the CDP announced the creation of a Campaign Finance Task Force. This task force will include grassroots activists, local Party leaders, labor union members, elected officials and institutional donors. It will take a global approach to evaluating our fundraising, as well as state and local laws and best practices, and will develop a set of recommendations for how we can strengthen our commitment to clean money by bringing in the kinds of clean money contributions that help ensure fair and competitive elections.

As the statewide officers said in their announcement, “we have a responsibility to make sure that our Party’s practices and operations are consistent with our values and the values of everyday Democrats across California.” The membership of the task force will be announced shortly, and the Officers anticipate hearing it’s recommendations within a year.

DEM2018 – Sign Up Today!
During the last four election cycles, over 3,000 Democrats stepped up to make our Party’s grassroots a million-dollar donor and lay the groundwork for victory by Donating Every Month.

Democrats in California have been leading the national resistance and setting the progressive agenda for America because of grassroots activists — like you — who fight for our party and our Democratic values.

We have an amazing statewide team and a great program that continues to push our candidates across the finish line. We simply can’t afford to lose this momentum. With your help we’ll be a blue wave that helps sweep Democrats to victory in 2018 and beyond. Join Dem2018 today!

Staff Update
Chair Bauman is extraordinarily proud to announce that CDP front office manager Unique Wilson has been promoted to the Political Department! She has done a phenomenal job managing the front office, CDP interns, and of course, the DEM2018 program. She’s been an amazing member of the CDP team, and we are so lucky to have her in this new role.

Deadline Extension for Dems Affected by Wildfires
CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman and the CDP Statewide Officers have extended the 2018 CDP Pre-Endorsing Conference deadline pertaining to Chartered Clubs and Organizations (CCOs) submitting potential Club Representative-related documents (Potential Club Representatives Submission Form and the Potential Club Representatives Submission List) to the appropriate CDP Regional Directors and the CCOs’ respective Chartering Authorities (Democratic County Central Committees) for the CCOs chartered by the Chartering Authorities in the nine (9) counties where the Governor has declared a state of emergency due to the wildfires. The nine counties include Butte, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Nevada, Orange, Solano, Sonoma, and Yuba.

The deadline has been extended from November 2, 2017, to November 20, 2017. This particular deadline extension applies only to those CCOs chartered by the County Democratic Central Committees of those nine (9) counties noted above.

This deadline extension does not apply to any other CCOs.  Hence, the regular deadline of November 2, 2017 to submit Potential Club Representatives Submission Form and the Potential Club Representatives Submission List remains unchanged to all CCOs outside of those nine (9) counties. Please click here to see the memo regarding this deadline extension.

The memo, along with all other endorsement-related forms and information, is also on the CDP Endorsements webpage at

CDP Platform – We Want to Hear from You
The CDP Platform Central Valley Statewide Hearing will be held on Sunday, November 5, 2017, 10 AM, prior to the November CDP Executive Board Meeting. The information is as follows:

CDP Platform Central Valley Statewide Hearing
Sunday, November 5, 2017 – 10 AM
California Teachers Association – Fresno Regional Resource Center
5330 N. Fresno St.
Fresno, CA 93710

Testimony can also be submitted online. The deadline to submit written testimony and language proposals is Friday, November 17, 2017, at 5 PM. To submit written testimony and language proposals, please visit the CDP Platform Committee webpage at Please feel free to share this information with your contacts.

Democrats: The Next Generation
We have to take a minute and share this great screenshot from a news story featuring 4th Grade Student Deshaun Robles, son of the CDP’s Unique Wilson. This is how we win back our country, and we’re so proud of the amazing kids like Deshaun who are already standing up for our rights even before they’re old enough to vote. Deshaun Robles.png

In Case You Missed It
CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman dropped by the California Republican Party convention in Anaheim and called them out for inviting notorious white supremacist Steve Bannon as their featured speaker

Bauman CRP.png

And he slammed the 14 Republicans from California who voted for the Paul Ryan/Donald Trump budget this week:

“In voting for the Donald Trump/Paul Ryan budget bill, every member of the CAGOP 14 voted to raise taxes on middle class and poor workers in Orange County, the Central Valley and all across California, just so they could give a huge tax cut to their billionaire paymasters and to appease Donald Trump.

All 14 of them voted to take healthcare away from cancer patients and raise taxes on the rest of us, which they will turn around and hand to their ultra-rich patrons. Darrell Issa, Dana Rohrabacher, Jeff Denham, David Valadao and the rest of their cronies are not just failing to do their jobs — they’re actively sticking it to millions of their own constituents, and hurting real people in the process. The people of California will not fall for this deceptive tax hike and the California Democratic Party intends to make sure every voter remembers this in 2018.”  

One week closer to 2018! 

 — CDP Update