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California Democrats are fighting back against Trump, and we are winning.

Last week, Leader Pelosi led the charge to stop the GOP from repealing the Affordable Care Act. As Trump’s ties to Russia are revealed, Senators Kamala Harris and Dianne Feinstein are on the frontlines calling for an independent investigation. And right here in California, our Democratic-led legislature is showing the nation what true progressive policy can look like.

But to keep fighting back — and to keep winning — we’re counting on your support to reach our $5,000 end-of-quarter fundraising goal by this Fr‌iday at mid‌night.

Will you be a part of this? Join the fight with a contribution of $25 today.

Since the election, thousands of Californians across our state are joining the movement to resist Trump’s agenda of hate and intolerance, and the Republican party is taking notice.

Your voice and your support are what empower our elected leaders and our party to fight to protect our communities and our values.

Will you continue to make your voice heard with a contribution today?

Make a gift of $25 now to help us reach our end-of-quarter goal together.

Thank you for being a part of this fight.


Chris Masami Myers
Executive Director
California Democratic Party