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*** No candidate for U.S. Senate has been endorsed by the CDP ***

It terrifies me to even write this to you, but we must understand the stakes:

A woman’s right to choose is on the line with Trump’s nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

We must be prepared to fight back right now.

Unfortunately, a woman’s right to choose isn’t the only thing on the line. Decades of civil rights advancements for African Americans, women, and the LGBTQ community are at risk. Not to mention voting rights and affordable health care for Americans.

If the Senate does not intervene, the balance of the court will turn our country backwards for decades to come.

That’s why I’m calling for the Senate to do whatever it takes to stop this nominee.

We need our leaders to put relentless pressure on Republicans and Democrats who may vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.

We must also work with outside organizations to generate grassroots energy pressuring swing Senators to vote the right way.

Please add your name if you agree.

Conservatives are more excited than ever that this is their chance to overturn Roe v. Wade, roll back civil rights advancements, and keep our country stalled.

It’s simply unacceptable that our children may have fewer rights than we enjoy today.

We will fight this every step of the way. And together, we will win.


Please take action now:


More soon,