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At the end of this email, I’ll ask you for a donation to our campaign, but I want to tell you exactly why first: The next two weeks are the most important we’ve faced in this election.

Next Wednesday, I take the stage in the first Democratic debate. It’ll be our first chance to speak directly to voters across the country on equal footing with the other candidates in this race. No matter what the polls say, no matter how much money a campaign has raised, each of us will have our time in the spotlight. I can’t wait.

There’s something else happening just a few days after that debate that you need to know about. After June ends, each campaign is required to file a finance report with the FEC. It’s the first fundraising update since early spring, which means people will read into these numbers, making big conclusions about which campaigns have momentum, and which campaigns don’t — especially after everyone picks apart the first debate.

But if you look a little deeper, these reports provide a window into how candidates are funding their campaigns. For instance, it’s a whole lot easier to collect big checks from corporate PACs and D.C. lobbyists, but we refuse to play that game. When we file our FEC report I’m proud to say that every single donation will represent somebody chipping in not to try to win influence or power — but because they share a bold and unapologetically optimistic vision for what we can do together.

That’s why the names on our report will always mean so much more to me than the dollars donated. You will always be the people who took a chance on me and this underdog campaign from the start. In spite of the odds stacked against us, you believe in this campaign and you’re giving me a fighting chance to be our party’s nominee.

In this field of amazing Democrats, I know it’s no small choice to make a donation to one campaign. I can’t tell you how honored I am by every single person who decides to help build this.

So I’m asking, humbly: Will you make a donation today and add one more grassroots supporter to our FEC report?

Person by person, brick by brick, we’re building something incredible. And I’m so grateful you’re a part of it.



Paid for by Cory 2020


P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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