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Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
I want to thank you for your tireless support this year to elect Democratic Secretaries of State.

Democratic Secretary of State candidates won in Colorado and Michigan, came up short in Iowa and Ohio. Meanwhile, Arizona and Nevada remain too close to call. And not to be overlooked, all of our incumbent Secretaries of State who were up for reelection won another term!

To add to the momentum for democracy, voters from Florida to Michigan to Nevada took a stand against voter suppression, gerrymandering, and obstacles to the ballot box by voting for independent redistricting committees, “Motor Voter” automatic registration, and other proposals that are a victory for voting rights.

These victories would not be possible without your support.

But our fight is not over. The race in Georgia is headed to a runoff on December 4, and Brian Kemp, the GOP’s poster boy for voter suppression, will do everything he can to keep Democrats from the polls again.

John Barrow’s race for Secretary of State was close on Tuesday, and with your continued support we can win this runoff in under 30 days.

Thanks for being a part of our team as we continue to fight for victory!

Alex Padilla

California Secretary of State
Chair, Democratic Association of Secretaries of State


DASS is a national organization supporting the election of Democratic Secretaries of State, who are committed to protecting and preserving voting rights and ballot access for all Americans through fair, honest, open, and accurate elections.

We count on the support from grassroots Democrats like you. Email is a crucial way to stay in touch and keep you informed. Help spread the word by forwarding this email to 3 friends! Click here to like us on Facebook and click here to follow us on Twitter.

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Paid for by Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, Treasurer Nellie Gorbea