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Dear supporters of parks, trails, and arts,


We’ve been hard at work evolving from our ‘Fresno for Parks’ initiative and are now officially YES ON P! We’ve revamped our Web site and have updated the ways in which we’re asking for help. With less than nine weeks left till election day, we need your help to educate the Fresno community to vote YES on Measure P this November.

We’re in the process of gathering endorsements, volunteer sign-ups, and donations, so please take a look below and let us know how you can contribute to the campaign.


Together, we can make Fresno a better place for ALL.


Yes on P – Fresno for Parks

This Saturday  |  10am – 3pm  |  Door-to-Door
Campaign Office: 5380 N Fresno St., Suite #105, Fresno, 93710

We are in need of volunteers to help canvass in Fresno neighborhoods and spread the word about YES ON P. We provide the training and materials, all we need is people who are willing to educate voters on the benefits of Measure P.

You can either canvass in your own area, connect with your neighbors, and even adopt your own precinct, or we can assign you a neighborhood and a team.

To sign-up and canvass this Saturday or on a future date, visit or email