Interested in Running for Public Office?
Special District Elections
Dozens of offices countywide are up for election on the November ballot including those for city councils, school boards and special districts.
Running for an elective office:
- Contact the Registrar of Voters to confirm that you are registered to vote in Fresno County and to determine the offices/districts applicable to your residence.
- Arrange to pick up the required Declaration of Candidacy form and additional forms from the Registrar of Voters office.
- Write a candidate statement that will be shared with voters.
- After submitting the required paperwork, share with your community that you’re running for the office and encourage community members to participate in the election, either by voting or encouraging others to vote.
Should you have an interest in running for any public office, contact the Democratic Party HQ at (559) 495-0606 or We can assist you in this process.
Alta Irrigation District
2018 election: Division 1 director & Division 2 director*
*In Fresno and Tulare counties.
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Big Creek Community Service District
Description: Encompasses approximately 29 acres. Provides street lights, water, road maintenance and snowplowing services to parcels in the Big Creek subdivision.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Biola Community Service District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Bluffs Community Service District
Description: Encompasses approximately 34 acres in northeast Fresno. Provides landscape maintenance and lighting services to parcels in the Bluffs subdivision.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Calwa Recreation & Parks District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Caruthers Community Service District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Clovis Veterans Memorial District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Coalinga Regional Medical Center
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Coalinga-Huron Recreation & Parks District
2018 election: Two directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Consolidated Irrigation District
2018 election: Division 1 director, Division 4 director* & Division 5 director**
*Fresno and Kings counties.
**Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties.
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Del Rey Community Services District
Description: Improves the social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions of the Del Rey township. Manages the water and sewer systems; billing for waste disposal; the park, playground and lighted baseball field; and community center and senior citizens program.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Easton Community Service District
Description: Provides street light and storm drainage services.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Fig Garden Police Protection District
2018 election: Two directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Fresno Irrigation District
2018 election: Division 1 director, Division 3 director & Division 4 director
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Hills Valley Irrigation District
Description: Part of the Friant Water Authority, covering parts of Fresno and Tulare counties.
2018 election: Two Directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
James Resource Conservation District (San Joaquin)
Description: Performs hands-on conservation projects often involving agriculture and private land. Responsive and accountable to the community to promote local conservation goals.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Kings River Conservation District
2018 election: Division 1 director,* Division 3 director & Division 5 director**
*Fresno and Tulare counties
**Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Kingsburg Hospital District Board
Description: Owns and operates a public hospital and provides inpatient and outpatient medical care.
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Malaga County Water District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
North Central Fire Protection District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Orange Cove Fire Protection District
2018 election: Two directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Pinedale County Water District
2018 election: Five directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Pinedale Public Utility District
Description: Provides wastewater, street lighting, street sweeping and landscape maintenance services.
2018 election: Two directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Riverdale Public Utility District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Selma Healthcare District
2018 election: Three directors (at-large)
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)
Sierra Kings Health Care District
2018 election: Zone 2 director & Zone 4 director
Filing period: July 16–August 10
Where to file: Registrar of Voters, 2221 Kern St., Fresno (559-600-8683)