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Secretary Padilla is fighting to pass Proposition 17.

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Inequality is a systemic problem — and nowhere is that more tragic than in our criminal justice system.

It disproportionately disenfranchises communities of color and low-income communities — and that includes the 50,000 Californians who have completed their state prison sentence, are reintegrating back into society, working and paying taxes, but are denied the right to vote.

Secretary Padilla is fighting to restore civil rights to these Californians, and making our neighborhoods and communities safer because research shows that in jurisdictions where voting rights are more easily restored, formerly incarcerated individuals reoffend at lower rates.

Proposition 17 is about expanding voting rights, restoring civil rights, and enhancing public safety — that’s why he wrote an op-ed in The San Diego Union-Tribune endorsing Proposition 17 to restore voting rights to 50,000 formerly incarcerated Californians.

Will you share it with your friends and family on Facebook and spread the truth about Proposition 17 and how it benefits all our communities and citizens?


Team Padilla

Paid for by Alex Padilla Ballot Measure Committee for Democracy and Justice – Yes on Propositions 16, 17 and 18
777 S. Figueroa Street, Suite 4050
Los Angeles, CA 90017