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Central Valley Partnership,

Together with sponsoring and supporting organizations, we are hosting a candidate training workshop. 

(Our co-sponsoring organizations include the Dolores Huerta Foundation, FMKT Central Labor Council, Sierra Club-Tehipite Chapter & Valley Voices.)


Titled Represent! – A Non-Partisan Beginners Guide To Running For Local Office, the program has three parts:

  • A series of inspiring videos featuring advice from recently elected representatives from the valley
  • An accessible, practical handbook detailing a ten-point framework covering: campaign strategy, candidate assessment, building your team, candidate development, finance, fundraising, field, marketing, campaign support, and governing.
  • A webinar offering the expertise of local representatives, community leaders and campaign consultants.

The training is free to the public and its materials are open-source.


The webinar is scheduled for next Thursday, July 9th starting at 5:30pm. 

It is necessary to register for the webinar at:


The entire training is to prepare people to run for local office. Its information will be useful to anyone wanting to more effectively engage in the political process, and can also be seen as a hands-on civic engagement practicum. 


Please share this important opportunity. All ages are welcome – if you know young adults who are politically savvy, natural leaders or just care about our communities, have them sign up or watch with you as a family.


We are honored to have Dezie Woods-Jones, the founder and statewide president of Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) open our July 9th webinar, followed by a panel of African American women who will share their experiences, perspectives and wisdom as elected leaders. Additional panels and speakers will offer advice on campaigns, youth engagement, financial reporting and other topics.


The opening video of the training has been posted to the Partnership’s Facebook Page at:


Feel welcome to take a look at the opening video, listen to the motivations of some of our recently elected representatives, be inspired, share it, and sign up.


We understand that the transformation of the valley’s political culture is underway, do your part to hasten it by getting involved – there is a role for everyone.


A flyer that can be shared is attached.


In solidarity, 


Daniel O’Connell, Ph.D.

Executive Director

Central Valley Partnership

Pronouns: he, him, his

Cell: 559-967-1940