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Organized labor has played a historic role in strengthening American democracy and providing a pathway into the middle class for so many working families – and immigrant families, like mine.

My dad was a member of the Mechanics Union of Lodi, California, and later joined the Waiters and Waitresses Union of Sacramento, AFL-CIO. My husband Markos was a member of the San Francisco Retail Clerks Union (now UFCW Local 648), and his father Antonios was a Teamster for nearly fifty years. 

Today on Labor Day, we honor union members across California, and recognize their historic fight for fair wages, better working conditions, and retirement security. When wages go up for union members, they go up for everyone.

A special thanks today to all the unions supporting my campaign for a better, stronger California – especially the California Federation of Teachers, the National Union of Healthcare Workers, SEIU Local 2579 (CSU Employees Union), the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, IBEW Local 340, Laborers Local 185, and the San Francisco fire fighters.

Tomorrow marks nine weeks until the November election, and we need your help to spread the word to voters across the state. Please sign up to volunteer and our team will be in touch soon with ways you can help us WIN on Election Day!









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Contact Info:

Eleni for California
916 Kearny Street
Suite 605
San Francisco, CA 94133
United States



Contributions or gifts to Eleni Kounalakis for Lieutenant Governor 2018 are not tax deductible. Proudly paid for by Eleni Kounalakis for Lieutenant Governor 2018. FPPC ID #1395990.

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