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Grassroots activists and Democratic clubs across the state have voted to endorse Rusty Hicks for Chair of the California Democratic Party. After meeting with thousands of delegates in all 58 of the state’s counties in 58 days, Hicks has won the backing of party faithful who believe in his vision of bringing strength and transparency to the party in advance of the pivotal 2020 election.
Hicks has been endorsed by Democratic clubs representing hundreds of state party delegates, including the Avance Democratic Club, the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley, the Fresno County Young Democratic Club, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, the Los Angeles County Young Democrats, Stonewall Democrats Los Angeles and Ventura County Democrats.
Grassroots leaders cite Hicks’ track record of successfully standing up to powerful special interests and winning landmark progressive victories among the reasons for their support.
“We need a Chair with the grit and experience to push through and help us elect Democrats in difficult races and in the most challenging regions of our state,” said Debra Broner, CDP Region 1 West Director. I know that Rusty will help us organize better and win elections.”
“Rusty Hicks has a proven track record of fighting for working class families,” said Clara Varner, Chair of Fresno County Young Democrats. “Not only that, he cares about the Central Valley and has a plan of action to make it a bluer place. Fresno County Young Democrats is supporting Rusty Hicks for Chair of the California Democratic Party because we know he will not forget about us.”
“I support Rusty Hicks for Chairperson of the CDP,” said Jimmie Woods Gray of New Frontier Democratic Club. “I’ve watched Rusty Hicks do the work that is needed at the state level for years. We need a strong worker who walks the walk, and Rusty is that person, ready to lead the California Democratic Party to victory in 2020.”
“The Stonewall Democratic Club is proud to endorse Rusty Hicks to be the next Chair of theCalifornia Democratic Party,” said Lester Aponte, President, Stonewall Democratic Club. “From the fight to raise the minimum wage, to championing legislation to create affordable homes and good, well-paying jobs, Rusty has been a champion for California’s working families. Rusty is a tireless organizer and coalition builder. He has the energy and the determination to unite our party and help us move us forward towards Democratic victories across California.”
For a full list of supporters, please visit
Rusty followed now-State Senator Maria Elena Durazo at the Federation four years ago and earned a winning track record for door-to-door field campaigns that successfully mobilized immigrants and working people. Rusty has brought twice as many women into leadership roles at the L.A. Fed, increased leadership among people of color by 60%, and increased overall Fed membership by 23%. He helped win the best new wage enforcement law in California and ledthe first “Fight for $15” campaign for immigrant workers and workers of color who don’t enjoy union representation. He fought Trump’s Janus Court decision, re-energized and re-empowered workers by training more than 300 organizers, and has helped put unemployed people to work building housing that ordinary people can afford.
The election for CDP Chair will be held at this year’s state party convention, May 31-June 2 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco.

Rusty for Chair · 1443 E Washington Blvd, #199, Pasadena, CA 91104, United States 
You can also keep up with Rusty for Chair on Facebook. 

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