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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


There are some big moments in the coming months — from more debates to the first caucuses and primaries — and it’s important that your voice stays front and center.

Warren for President

We’re proud of what you’ve helped this movement achieve so far — releasing plans to make big, structural change, coming together at events across the country, and showing a campaign can be powered by grassroots donors.

There are some big moments in the coming months — from more debates to the first caucuses and primaries — and it’s important that your voice stays front and center.

This movement is about coming together to make big, structural change. So, Elizabeth wants to hear what issues you want this movement to focus on.

What are you fighting for? Please fill out this quick survey to let Elizabeth know which issues are most important to you right now.

We’re fighting for a future where Washington doesn’t just work for the wealthy and well-connected — where your voice is always heard.

Elizabeth doesn’t prioritize what matters to big donors at private fundraisers — she doesn’t even host any. Instead, she listens to you.

That’s why we’re asking you today: What would you like to see Elizabeth tackle?

Click here to fill out this survey today.

Thanks for everything,

Team Warren


Elizabeth doesn’t accept contributions from PACs of any kind or federally registered lobbyists. This grassroots movement is powered by supporters like you. Chip in now to help build our movement.







Paid for by Warren for President

All content © 2019 Warren for President, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02117


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