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Location: Ramada Inn, 324 E. Shaw Avenue, Fresno (Shaw Avenue and Freeway 41)

Fresno County Democratic Women’s Club

October 22, 2018 Lunch Meeting

Business Meeting: 11:00 – 12:00

Lunch: 12:00 – 12:30

Program: 12:30 – 1:00

Speaker: Mike Rhodes

Topic: Update on Homelessness in Fresno.

Mike Rhodes is author of Dispatches from the War Zone, which offers the reader a rare opportunity to understand the homeless issue from the perspective of the homeless and their allies.

Mike closely covered this story for over 10 years prior to the publication of his book in February, 2016.  He will give an overview of the historical context of homelessness in Fresno, what works and what doesn’t work in effectively reducing homelessness and what has happened since the book was written.

Mike Rhodes is a journalist and former editor of the Community Alliance newspaper in Fresno California. He is a photo journalist, was a news reporter for KFCF 88.1 FM and has produced many videos documenting politics in Fresno and the Central Valley.

He is married, has two adult children, and lives in the community where he was born, Fresno. Politically a progressive, he is optimistic that a movement for social and economic justice will emerge and transform the world in which we live. A better world is possible!

Cost: $25.00 for lunch and program  /   $5 for program only

Reservations: Rose Mary, phone 559-275-1112. Please call Rose Mary with your reservation by October 17 for the October 22 Luncheon.