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From: Samuel Molina <> 
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 6:12 PM
To: CVImmigration <>
Subject: Ensuring our community receives the correct information – Census and COVID 19
Dear partners,
As I am sure all of you are aware several organizations and government institutions have ordered their staff to work from home or have shut down for the next few weeks. Today the Mayor of Fresno issued an emergency declaration cancelling all events that would have 50 or more people. I am sending you all links from the cities/counties that have filed emergency declarations and a press release from Angela Hiyama from Comcast, that announces they will be providing free wi-fi and other services to those that need it. This will be important to share for the people that need access to the internet to complete their census survey. I have asked Angela to create a graphic in multiple languages so we can share on social media.
If your organization’s office hours have changed and you would like me to share it with the press please let me know. If you have COVID-19 good hygiene practices in languages other than English and would like me to share please send that over as well. 
CA State Director
Mi Familia Vota
5228 E. Pine Ave.
Fresno, CA 93727
C: (559) 473-6096
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A Reed awardee grassroots non-profit, Mi Familia Vota is a national civic engagement organization that promotes social and economic justice through citizenship workshops, voter registration, and voter participation. Help us keep our work going. Donate today.