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Kamala Harris

I have a radical idea for my Republican colleagues — don’t vote for a bill you don’t want to become law.

Since day one, the process behind the GOP’s plan to repeal Obamacare has been undemocratic and secretive — all to pass a historically unpopular bill that would be disastrous for American families. This week has been no different. Right now, you have multiple Republican senators saying they intend to vote for this bill, which was just released moments ago, but don’t want it to become law.

The idea is that they can negotiate with the House in the conference committee (the process of reconciling the House and Senate versions of Trumpcare), which is absurd.

Here’s the truth: there’s nothing stopping the House Republicans from just passing this bill. If it passes in the Senate, it will likely become law.

Democrats are debating on the floor right now and a vote on this bill is imminent tonight. We just got the bill, and still don’t know the full impact it’ll have — but we know if they get away with this scheme, it’ll be disastrous for tens of millions of Americans. We have to win this fight.

This is urgent: Add your name to my petition opposing the latest and most absurd version of the Republican’s plan to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood.

Keep doing what you’ve been doing — it matters and it counts. We have less than two hours left to make a difference in this fight.

Let’s keep calling and taking action. If we do, we will win.

Thanks for all you do,

Kamala Harris
U.S. Senate, California