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*** No candidate for Attorney General has been endorsed by the CDP ***

Donald Trump’s trying to shred a critical lifeline for one million women in California and four million women nationwide.

Through an important program called Title X, health clinics like Planned Parenthood’s offer life-saving access to cancer screenings, family-planning services and more.

But if Trump has his way, Title X won’t be around to save a loved one’s health or wellbeing.

I recently led 20 attorneys general to file a court brief in support of protecting the program. Our families in California and beyond are counting on us to fight and win.

Can you give $5 today and stand with me?

Today I wrote the Trump Administration outlining the stakes for California families. And again I urged the Trump Administration to drop its decision.

This isn’t the first time Trump’s tried to slash access to birth control and other family planning services.

We’ve beat him in court before but we need another victory again.

Are you with me? Please chip in $5 or more if you can

Washington Republicans should not control a woman’s right to healthcare.


Thanks for standing with me,
