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Dear Friend,

With 5 days to go until Election Day, we’re sharing with you the testimonies of three children’s leaders who have worked with Tony throughout his 20 year career serving youth. 

We won’t let the smear campaign against Tony – that’s been disavowed most recently by the ACLU of Northern California – distract us from our goal: come Election Day, we’ll elect the strongest leader for California’s kids.

Read their testimonies:

“Tony uniquely and expertly understands California’s children’s needs because he has lived his own personal and professional story – and because he has served them his entire life.” – Elizabeth Estes, California education and child welfare attorney

“Tony helped us define the interconnection of public health and public education. One of Tony’s strengths was finding new and creative ways to partner with schools.” – Alex Briscoe, Principal for the California Children’s Trust*

“When his opponent says that Tony is “just another politician,” it is clear that he does NOT know Tony. I have seen Tony go to extraordinary lengths for young people in order to see that they have a chance to reconnect to school, to see a path to college or a career.” – Christine Stoner-Mertz, President and CEO of Lincoln*

Read the full letters from these three children’s leaders here.

You can support Tony today too. Every dollar helps us get Tony’s message out to more last-minute voters. Can you chip in a donation today?


Thank you!

Team Tony

*Titles for identification purposes only.

Paid for by Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction 2018

Tony Thurmond for Superintendent of Public Instruction 2018
PO Box 2145
Richmond CA 94802 United States