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New Year’s Greeting; Accountability and a New Beginning

New Year’s Greeting; Accountability and a New Beginning

Dear Democratic Party Leader:


Like most of you, I have been so busy with the November election and, then, the Georgia runoff and, then, the apparent coup attempt that I haven’t had a chance to write.  In addition, I was hoping to have news about the DNC election on 1/21 to share, but, as we approach the ADEM election registration cutoff on January 11, 2021, and the special Executive Board meeting on January 16, 2021, it seemed time to share some important information despite everything else going on.


So, first, I wish you all a happy and healthy 2021.  And I wish us all a new beginning on January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris take the reins of the Executive Branch of the federal government.  We should all be prepared for a potential repeat of the coup attempt on January 20, but I am hopeful that preparation will be unnecessary. 


Second, I wanted to share the link for registering to vote, and getting your ballot, in the election of State Party Convention and State Party Assembly District representatives to the CDP Executive Board:  If you want to register, please do so by January 11.


Third, the purpose of the special executive board meeting next weekend is to adopt rules for a virtual  officer election at the Convention this spring.  Here’s a link to the floor report from the November 2020 Executive Board meeting.  The bylaws and other rules, which I support, are part of the Rules Committee report.  Floor Report 111520pdf ( 


Fourth, there must be accountability for the months of lies and incitement that led up to 1/6/21’s tragic attack on our democratic institutions and the outcome of a free and fair election.  Share the image at the top of this email and, if you live in one of their districts, contact the California GOP legislators who were complicit (or worse) in this chain of events.   Here is a link to a chart of their contact information.


Finally, I know so many of you went all out to help us win the White House and the special elections in Georgia.  While we might have hoped for a stronger repudiation of the Trump Administration and the GOP, what we accomplished (flipping the White House and the Senate and keeping our majority in the House) is a testament to your hard work and dedication.  I would like to call out a few of my colleagues whose exceptional work I got to see firsthand.  These include LACDP Chair Mark Gonzales and LACDP Executive Director Drexel Heard, CDP Parliamentarian Coby King, CDP LGBT Caucus Co-Chairs Tiffany Woods & Lester Aponte, LACDP Pat Eastman Honoree Jane Wishon, my DNC colleague Derek Devermont, LACDP Credentials Committee Co-Chair Paul Seo, Pinole Councilmember Devin Murphy, LACDP & CDP leader Clark Lee,  Stonewall Democratic Club VP and Out for Biden Advisor Ryan Bashem and West Hollywood Democratic Club/Beverly Hills Democratic Club President Lillian Raffel.


Thanks to you and all those not named here for your exemplary efforts.


Here’s to a very BLUE 2021.  I hope to write again when we know more about what will happen at the 1/21/21 DNC meeting.


Democratically yours,


Laurence Zakson

Member, Democratic National Committee (CA

Secretary, DNC LGBT Caucus

Co-Chair, California Democratic Party Rules Committee

Co-Chair, LACDP Rules & Legal Committee

President Emeritus, West Hollywood Democratic Club/Beverly Hills Democratic Club

Member, College of Labor & Employment Lawyers

titles for identification purposes only 



District 3 Updates

District 3 Updates

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Fresno City Council
Actions Update from January 7, 2021
Informe de Acciones de la
Reunión del Concejo de Fresno

Dear Resident,

As my council presidency comes to a close, I would like to briefly reflect what the 2020 year has meant for me. In just 12 short months, I have witnessed how devastation, fear and violence have torn our city apart. 
Our City has experienced a mass shooting, budget crisis, racial unrest, fires, historic homicides, pandemic, and an attack on our democracy. Yet, the hope and inspiration I get from those of you who continue the essential, lifesaving work of caring for the sick, picking our food, and keeping us safe has pushed me to make the right decisions
It has been an honor to serve as Council President and I look forward to working with our new mayor and council colleagues as we work to rebuild our city’s economy for all residents. 


Querido residente,

A medida que la presidencia de mi consejo llega a su fin, me gustaría reflejar brevemente lo que ha significado el año 2020 para mí. En solo 12 meses, he sido testigo de cómo la devastación, el miedo y la violencia han destrozado nuestra ciudad. Nuestra Ciudad ha experimentado tiroteos masivos, crisis presupuestaria, disturbios raciales, incendios, homicidios históricos, pandemias y un ataque a nuestra democracia. Sin embargo, la esperanza y la inspiración que recibo de aquellos de ustedes que continúan con el trabajo esencial y vital de cuidar a los enfermos, recoger nuestra comida y mantenernos a salvo me ha empujado a tomar las decisiones correctas.

Ha sido un honor servir como Presidente del Concejo y espero trabajar con nuestro nuevo alcalde y colegas del Concejo mientras trabajamos para reconstruir la economía de nuestra ciudad para todos los residentes.


Watch the Fresno City Council Meeting
Vea la Reunión del Consejo de Fresno

Changes in the Fresno City Council
Cambios en el Concejo Municipal de Fresno 


Council President/Presidente del Consejo –
Luis Chavez, District 5

Council Vice President/Vicepresidente del Consejo –
Nelson Esparza, District 7

New Councilman/Nuevo Concejal –
Tyler Maxwell, District 4

City Mayor/Alcalde de la Ciudad –
Jerry Dyer

City Manager/Administrador de la Ciudad –
Thomas Esqueda

Dear Resident,

I know many of you are not able to attend our Council Meetings because of work or other obligations, so I wanted to provide an update on what was voted on related to our district:


1M P.L.A. – A resolution of the Fresno City Council Directing City Staff and City Attorney to Negotiate and Prepare A Project Labor Agreement for Citywide Public Work of Improvement Projects. The project labor agreement shall be brought to Council for approval within 90 days. The agreement shall incorporate requirements for hiring local, economically disadvantaged, pre-apprentice, entry-level workers, veterans, women-owned, minority-owned, and disadvantaged businesses. APPROVED

4A Measure P –  A resolution of the Fresno City Council in Support of Measure P Passing by Simple Majority Vote based on court opinion. Measure P proposes to authorize the City to collect 3/8 percent sales tax, to be invested primarily on parks. APPROVED

I would also like to mention Mayor Jerry Dyer and the Fresno City Council have hereby proclaimed January 7th, 2021 to be “LaVera Williams Day” in the city of Fresno.

Querido Residente,


Sé que muchos de ustedes no pueden asistir a nuestras reuniones del consejo debido al trabajo u otras obligaciones, así que quería brindarles una actualización sobre lo que se votó en relación con nuestro distrito:


1M – Una resolución del Concejo Municipal de Fresno que dirige al personal de la ciudad y al abogado de la ciudad a negociar y preparar un acuerdo laboral de proyecto para proyectos de mejoramiento en toda la ciudad. El acuerdo laboral del proyecto se presentará al Consejo para su aprobación dentro de 90 días. El acuerdo deberá incorporar requisitos para brindar oportunidades de empleo y capacitación específicas a vecindarios desfavorecidos y desarrollar nuestra fuerza laboral local a través de nuevas oportunidades de aprendizaje. APROBADO

4A Medida P – Una resolución del Concejo Municipal de Fresno en apoyo de la aprobación de la Medida P por mayoría simple basada en la opinión de la corte. La Medida P propone autorizar a la Ciudad a cobrar un 3/8 por ciento de impuestos sobre las ventas, que se invertirán principalmente en parques. APROBADO

También me gustaría mencionar que el alcalde Jerry Dyer y el Ayuntamiento de Fresno proclamaron el 7 de enero de 2021 como el “Día de LaVera Williams” en la ciudad de Fresno.

COVID-19 Related Information
Información Relacionada con COVID-19

No Cost COVID-19 Testing Sites for January 2021
Sitios de Prueba Gratis Para Enero 2021


We are here for you. Estamos Aquí Para Usted.

Our staff remains readily available through COVID-19.

Call us at (559) 621-8000 or email us at

Llamenos al (559) 621-8000 o envíenos un correo electrónico a


Our Fresno City Hall Mailing Address is:
Fresno City Hall
2nd Floor Executive Offices
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, California, 93721

Copyright © 2021 Office of Councilman Miguel A. Arias, All rights reserved.


California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Says the Governor’s Budget Will Create Housing, Jobs, and a Greener Environment

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Says the Governor’s Budget Will Create Housing, Jobs, and a Greener Environment

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, CPA

News Release


PR 21:02                                                                               Contact: Mark DeSio

January 8, 2021                                                                         (916) 926-1167

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Says the Governor’s Budget Will Create Housing, Jobs, and a Greener Environment

Sacramento – California State Treasurer Fiona Ma praised Governor Gavin Newsom for once again earmarking $500 million in state low-income housing tax credits to the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTAC), which she chairs, and for doubling a program that offers critical tax incentives to California manufacturers.
           “Two thumbs up to Governor Gavin Newsom for allocating more funds in his budget to programs that work to finance critically needed low-income housing, retain and save jobs, and help reduce the emission of greenhouse gases,” said Treasurer Ma.
            Housing production benefitted greatly when the Governor took similar action last year.
           “We approved more housing units last year than any other year since 2000, and the tax credits were a big reason for that,” said Treasurer Ma, who chairs CTCAC and the California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC).
The Governor has also allocated $100 million for the Sales and Use Tax Exclusion Program that is operated by the State Treasurer’s Office and designed to provide California manufacturers with a tax exclusion on purchased products, components or systems. The extra funds will double the size of the popular program, which last year was oversubscribed.
“These manufacturers create tens of thousands of high-paying, permanent jobs that bolster the state’s economy, while also saving energy and helping our state meet its ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Treasurer Ma.
Additionally, the Treasurer is elated about the $1.5 billion earmarked by Governor Gavin Newsom to boost electric and hydrogen vehicles. She is the chair of the California Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority (CAEATFA). It supports California’s mission to provide financial incentives to cutting-edge companies by offering a sales and use tax exclusion to manufacturers that promote alternative energy and advanced transportation.


Fiona Ma is California’s 34th State Treasurer. She was elected on November 6, 2018 with more votes (7,825,587) than any other candidate for treasurer in the state’s history. She is the first woman of color and the first woman Certified Public Accountant (CPA) elected to the position. The State Treasurer’s Office was created in the California Constitution in 1849. It provides financing for schools, roads, housing, recycling and waste management, hospitals, public facilities, and other crucial infrastructure projects that better the lives of residents. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy and Treasurer Ma is the state’s primary banker. Her office processes more than $2 trillion in transactions within a typical year. She provides transparency and oversight for the government’s investment portfolio and accounts, as well as for the state’s surplus funds. Treasurer Ma oversees an investment portfolio of about $103 billion, $32.2 billion of which are local government funds. She serves as agent of sale for all State bonds, and is trustee on outstanding debt of $93 billion.

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, 915 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814, United States


Rep. Omar Draft of Articles of Impeachment 1/8/21

Rep. Omar Draft of Articles of Impeachment 1/8/21

January 7, 2021 Press Release

WASHINGTON—Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) today unveiled a privileged resolution to impeach President Donald J. Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors, co-lead by Reps. David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, Al Green, Hank Johnson, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Vicente Gonzalez, Jamaal Bowman, Mondaire Jones, Veronica Escobar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Cori Bush.





This is how we’ll hold them accountable

This is how we’ll hold them accountable

Reps. McCarthy, Malfa, Obernolte, Nunes, Garcia, Calvert, and Issa are ALL complicit in yesterday’s attack on democracy

California Democratic Party Logo

Yesterday, the U.S. Constitution and the very home of our democracy were attacked by a riotous mob emboldened by the shameful words of Donald Trump and the seditious actions by Congressional Republicans. As the world watched the siege take place in our U.S. Capitol, four people died, dozens of public servants and staff members were put in danger, and many were injured.

Despite the violence that took place, seven California Republicans attempted to overturn the will of the American people. The votes for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President – elect Kamala Harris by the American people were fairly casted, counted, recounted, certified and litigated.

Today, the California Democratic Party is taking a stand and saying enough is enough. We’re joining Democratic leaders from across the country in calling on Vice President Pence to invoke the 25th amendment, and failing that, for impeachment hearings to move forward.

Here are several ways that you can join us in the fight for our democracy:

  • Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfield
  • Rep. Doug Malfa, R-Oroville
  • Rep. Jay Obernolte, R-Hesperia
  • Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Tulare
  • Rep. Mike Garcia, R-Santa Clarita
  • Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Corona
  • Rep. Darrell Issa, R-San Marcos
  • Share this graphic on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Make sure to tag @CADEM so we can amplify.

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We’ll never forget yesterday’s sham and we WILL hold them accountable.

Fired up,

California Democrats

Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma Says the Governor’s Budget Will Create Housing, Jobs, and a Greener Environment

A new beginning is rising out of the ashes of the 2017 Tubbs Fire

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, CPA

News Release


PR 21:1                                                                   Contact: Mark DeSio

January 5, 2021                                                               (916) 926-1167

New Year Brings New Hope for Tubbs Fire Victims

Phase I of a planned 532-unit apartment
project approved for tax incentives

Sacramento – A new beginning is rising out of the ashes of the 2017 Tubbs Fire, which killed 22 people and destroyed more than 5,600 structures, many of them in Santa Rosa.

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma announced today that a 532-unit apartment project at the site of the former Journey’s End mobile home park, which was severely damaged by the Tubbs Fire, has been approved for tax credits by a committee that she chairs.

The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) allocated tax credits for the first phase of the “3575 Mendocino” project consisting of 94 affordable units. The project is named after its address in north Santa Rosa. It plans to add a mix of market-rate and affordable senior apartments to replace Journey’s End.

“What better way to start the New Year than with the funding of new, affordable housing,” said Treasurer Ma.

Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Napa, who chairs the House Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee, secured $100 million of tax credits that can be used each year for 10 years by project developers to raise money for affordable housing projects in disaster areas, such as the 3575 Mendocino project. The total investment will be $1 billion across the state.

“The 3575 Mendocino project that will build affordable housing units is a big win for our entire community. This will help address the affordable housing crisis in our region that was exacerbated by the recent fires and will be a critical stepping stone in our recovery process. I was proud to lead this effort on the Federal side and secure the $100 million in Low Income Housing Tax Credit Funding that helped make this and other projects in our district possible,” said Thompson. “Know that I will continue working with Treasurer Ma to ensure we secure every Federal and state dollar and resource to help our community continue to recover.”

The apartment complex is being undertaken as a joint venture, with the affordable component headed up by Burbank Housing and another developer, Related California.

“As the largest affordable housing non-profit in the North Bay, and having worked collaboratively with all of the local governments in Sonoma and Napa county for almost 41 years we can testify to the importance that these credits will play in the recovery from the 2017 wildfires,” said Larry Florin, Chief Executive Officer of Burbank Housing, a local nonprofit dedicated to building quality affordable housing in the North Bay.

The multi-phase project calls for 162 apartments for low-income senior tenants and 370 market-rate units. The 162 units that are to be reserved for low-income tenants will first be offered to former Journey’s End residents who were displaced by the Tubbs fire, which forced the site’s closure. The 370 market-rate units, a centrally located park, a community building and other amenities would round out the 13.3-acre site.

“Thanks to Rep. Thompson and Treasurer Ma for securing this critical funding to bring affordable housing to the North Bay Area,” said Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa. “Our community has lost so many units to wildfires. Now, in these tough economic times, it is especially important that we advance this much-needed project.”

“I think we can all agree, the October 2017 wildfires changed our lives forever. With 5,200 homes destroyed in Sonoma County, including 162 units at Journey’s End, residents have gone through hell and back,” Senator Mike McGuire said. “The Journey’s End rebuild will be a shot in the arm for our affordable housing supply and our spirits. We all want these units rebuilt and residents housed. We’re grateful for the leadership and outstanding partnership of Treasurer Ma and Congressman Thompson.”

“This project is a fine example of collaboration between California’s federal and state officials to help our communities impacted by wildfires,” said Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry (D-Winters).  “I am especially thankful that Treasurer Ma and Congressman Thompson led this effort to ensure that much needed housing is built in the North Bay for our mutual constituents.”

About Federal and State Tax Credits:
The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee administers the award of federal and state tax credits designed to support the acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income tenants. The federal tax credit program was enacted as part of the 1986 Tax Reform Act and has been modified numerous times. Since the mid-1990s, the federal program has supported the construction or rehabilitation of about 110,000 affordable rental units each year, despite the steep drop off during the Great Recession, and over two million units in all since its inception.

The Tax Credit Allocation Committee, chaired by Treasurer Ma, awards the credits to private developers of affordable rental housing projects through a competitive process. Developers generally sell the credits to private investors to obtain funding. Once the housing project is placed in service (essentially, made available to tenants), investors can claim the LIHTC over a 10-year period.

About Burbank Housing:
Burbank Housing is a local nonprofit dedicated to building quality affordable housing in the North Bay. Burbank Housing creates vibrant local communities that are carefully designed, professionally managed, and sustainable both financially and environmentally, to foster opportunities for people with limited-income of all ages, backgrounds and special needs.

About Related California:
Related California is a member of the Related Companies, a fully-integrated real estate firm with a 30-year track record delivering top-quality, mixed-income housing and mixed-use developments across California. The company has completed 16,000 residences and currently has more than 1,750 affordable and 4,000 market rate units in pre-development. Related has a track record of consistently developing communities that exceed industry benchmarks in design, construction, sustainability and property management. The company is backed by one of the most prominent privately owned real estate firms in the nation, with a portfolio of over $60 billion in developments.

About Treasurer Ma: Fiona Ma is California’s 34th State Treasurer. She was elected on November 6, 2018 with more votes (7,825,587) than any other candidate for treasurer in the state’s history. She is the first woman of color and the first woman Certified Public Accountant (CPA) elected to the position. The State Treasurer’s Office was created in the California Constitution in 1849. It provides financing for schools, roads, housing, recycling and waste management, hospitals, public facilities, and other crucial infrastructure projects that better the lives of residents. California is the world’s fifth-largest economy and Treasurer Ma is the state’s primary banker. Her office processes more than $2 trillion in transactions within a typical year. She provides transparency and oversight for the government’s investment portfolio and accounts, as well as for the state’s surplus funds. Treasurer Ma oversees an investment portfolio of about $103 billion, $32.2 billion of which are local government funds. She serves as agent of sale for all State bonds, and is trustee on outstanding debt of $93 billion.

California State Treasurer Fiona Ma, 915 Capitol Mall, Sacramento, CA 95814, United States