Happy Latino Heritage Month!
The Fresno County Democratic Party calls on Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer to help protect our region by requiring that all medically eligible city employees be vaccinated.
#NOonRecall Election Night Returns Watch Party! Tuesday, September 14, 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Full Circle Brewing Co. 712 Fulton St. Fresno https://www.facebook.com/events/597459861636162
Join Democrats and progressives during the final 4 days of the Stop the Republican Recall campaign as we go door-to-door to talk to voters. Help us turn out Democrats and ensure everyone returns their ballot before Election Day!
This event is hosted by the Stop the Recall Campaign, CADEM and our many labor partners.
Bring walking shoes, a fully charged cell phone (if you have one), and a mask. We canvass with the PDI Mobile App, which is very easy to learn. We’ll provide you with training before you head out!
For the comfort and safety of everyone, we request that you where a mask while canvassing and socially distance when voters answer the door. Visit: https://www.mobilize.us/cadems/event/410453/ to sign-up.