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Fresno District 3 Updates

Fresno District 3 Updates

Hello District 3 Residents!

Cooler weather is upon us! Enjoy the cool temperatures outside while enjoying some of the upcoming events below, but first I want to say thank you to everyone who helped clean up the area near Maxie L. Parks Community Center this past Saturday. Some of our volunteers were our amazing youth from Edison High School Key Club and District 3 Youth Interns who collected 1,037 lbs. of trash!

I would also like to thank Assemblymember, Dr. Joaquin Arambula, for leading the Central Valley housing tour. Yesterday, City of Fresno officials had the opportunity to have a frank conversation with State Assemblymembers to discuss the obstacles we face to make housing more affordable and available for Fresno residents, who include the 26% who earn less than $25K a year and the 52% who are renters. The housing tour included different housing elements located in District 3 to show what our City is doing to support our unhoused community and working families. The tour included Hotel Fresno which is set to be completed in January 2022. This seven-story historic jewel will soon have 79 affordable housing units over ground floor office, retail, and common area space. The Monarch @ Chinatown, a four-story housing community that will create 57 affordable housing units with commercial space. We toured Poverello House to show the emergency shelter pallets and lastly, Valley Inn. This recently acquired motel in Parkway Drive has been renovated for transitional housing and it has 107 rooms (currently housing 110 people).

Now let’s talk about meetings scheduled for next week. On Thursday, October 14th there will be a regular City Council Meeting. Council agendas can be found at and are always posted the Friday before the meeting by 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 16th the City of Fresno will hold three public hearings regarding redistricting. Please join one of the three hearings to provide your input on where district lines should be drawn. These hearings will take place at Hoover High School, Fresno City College, and at City Hall. On Wednesday, October 27th we have a Special City Council Meeting to hear retail cannabis appeals (details below).

Lastly, I want to share with all dog owners who frequent the Roeding Dog Park that the design rendering for the new dog park relocation is here! Please check them out below and provide your feedback to our email: or by giving our office a call at (559) 621-7832. We heard your suggestions and requests at our previous community meeting, and the PARCS Department has come up with a design. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please send us an email or give as a call.

We are eager to continue building with the entire District 3 community by sharing what is happening in Fresno, so please join us at these events.


Miguel Angel Arias
Councilmember, District 3




Submit feedback to District3@fresnogov or (559) 621-7832


Thursday, October 7th was the grand opening of the Día de Muertos exhibition at Arte Américas!  The exhibit will run from Oct. 7 thru Nov. 7, 2021. Stop by any of these dates/times.

Thursdays & Fridays 2pm – 6pm
(jueves y viernes)
Saturdays 12pm- 5pm (sábado)
Sundays 12pm – 4pm (domingo)

ALL guests will be asked to wear a mask while at Arte Américas.


Tomorrow, October 9th join us to learn about upcoming homeownership opportunities in the area through the Mutual Self-Help Housing Program, local health and community programs, active transportation organizations and more.

Bring your family to enjoy some food and pick up a free pumpkin!

WHERE: 1515 E. Annadale Ave
WHEN: October 9 from 12 – 2 p.m.


Have any unwanted items in your home? Make sure to stop be this weekend, Saturday & Sunday. You must be a City of Fresno resident, so please be ready to provide a City utility bill AND a State issued ID. Please check the flyer to see what items will be and will not be accepted.
Help keep our dump free!

Who: City of Fresno residents
What: Dump Event
Where: 3457 S Cedar Avenue
When: October 9-10 & 23-24


Fresno City Council is proud to have proclaimed October 11, 2021 as Indigenous Peoples’ Day to recognize and acknowledge the local natives of these lands such as the Yokuts, Mono and Miwoks community. Additionally, the migrant native communities who speak Mixteco, Zapoteco, Triqui, and Náhuatl.

Join us on Monday, October 11 for an Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebration at 11:00 a.m. in front of City Hall.


To learn more about the redistricting process and propose your map of how City of Fresno districts should look like please visit:

Saturday 10/16 PUBLIC HEARING

Hoover High School (North Fresno) at 10:00 a.m.
Fresno City College (Central Fresno) at 2:00 p.m.
City Hall, Council Chambers (South Fresno) at 6:00 p.m.


DATE: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
TIME: 9:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as it may be heard
LOCATION: Fresno City Hall – 2600 Fresno Street – in person and/or electronic. You are invited to participate in person or watch the live broadcast via the Zoom link located on the Council Agenda found at the City’s website

HEARING – Consideration of an appeal of the City Manager’s decision to approve retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permit No. C-20-108, filed by Joe Velasquez of Haven #20 LLC, for property located at 335 W Olive Avenue, on the southeast corner of West Olive Avenue and North Vagedes Avenue (Council District 3)

HEARING – Consideration of an appeal of the City Manager’s decision to approve retail Commercial Cannabis Business Permit No. C-20-44, filed by Alejandro Calleres of Fresno Public Verde, Inc, for property located at 1220 E Olive Ave Avenue, on East Olive and North Popular Avenue (Council District 3)

Information on the process as well as the applications can be found on the Office of Cannabis Oversight website:
Please note that due to Municipal Code restrictions, the Councilmembers are not permitted to discuss these applications or appeals outside the public meeting.



West Fresno Family Resource Center
Fresno Covid-19 Equity Project
UCSF Fresno

COVID-19 vaccinations are being provided at the Mary Ella Brown Center every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month.  Whether it will be your first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, or your single dose of the J&J Janssen vaccine, staff from UCSF and Mary Ella Brown Center are there to answer any questions you may have about the COVID-19 vaccines.
Please keep in mind that the Pfizer vaccine is available for ages 12+ and J&J Janssen for ages 18+.

Address: 1350 E Annandale Ave Fresno
Date:  every 1st & 3rd Thursday
Time: 12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

African American Coalition
Fresno Covid-19 Equity Project

(by appointment)

1025 Fulton Street
Call the Vaccine Support Line: (559) 312-8044

1221 Fulton Street
Call: (559) 600-3550
Fresno County Dep. of Public Health
Immunization Program



As a reminder, City of Fresno residents are encouraged to apply for assistance if they are unable to pay the full amount of rent and utilities from April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021. The City, along with 6 Community-Benefit Organizations (CBOs) will process the applications.

For more details about the program, visit:

Contact one of the partner organizations to apply or apply directly at:

Reading and Beyond: 559-214-0317
The Fresno Center: 559-898-2565
Centro la Familia: 559-237-2961
Jakara Movement: 559-549-4088
West Fresno Family Resource Center: 559-621-2967
Education and Leadership Foundation: 559-291-5428


Como recordatorio, los residentes de la Ciudad de Fresno pueden presentar su solicitud si estan atrasados con la renta o con los pagos de servicios publicos desde el 1 de Abril 2020, hasta el 30 de Septiembre de 2021. La Ciudad de Fresno, junto con 6 organizaciones de beneficio comunitario, procesaran las solicitudes. 

Para obtener mas detalles sobre la programa, visite:

Comuniquese con una de las organizaciones asociadas para presentar una solicitud o puede aplicar directamente en:

Reading and Beyond: 559-214-0317
The Fresno Center: 559-898-2565
Centro la Familia: 559-237-2961
Jakara Movement: 559-549-4088
West Fresno Family Resource Center: 559-621-2967
Education and Leadership Foundation: 559-291-5428


¿Tiene algún artículo no deseado en su casa? Asegúrese de parar este fin de semana, sábado y domingo. Debe ser residente de la ciudad de Fresno, así que esté listo para proporcionar una factura de servicios públicos de la ciudad e identificación. Consulte el folleto para ver qué artículos se aceptarán y cuáles no.
¡Ayuda a mantener limpia nuestra ciudad!

Quién: Residentes de la ciudad de Fresno
Qué: Dia de dompe
Dónde: 3457 S Cedar Avenue
Cuándo: 9-10 y 23-24 de octubre



Venga el sábado 9 de octubre para aprender sobre las oportunidades de ser dueño de casa en el área y colaborar con varias organizaciones.

¡No olvide traer a su familia para disfrutar de comida gratis y recoger una calabaza gratis!

DÓNDE: 1515 E. Annadale Ave
CUÁNDO: Sábado 9 de octubre a partir de las 12:00 p.m. hasta las 2:00 p.m.


Centro de Recursos Familiares de West Fresno, Proyecto de Equidad Fresno Covid-19, UCSF Fresno

Las vacunas COVID-19 se administran en el Centro Mary Ella Brown cada 1er y 3er jueves del mes. Ya sea que sea su primera o segunda dosis de la vacuna Pfizer, o su dosis única de la vacuna J&J Janssen, el personal de UCSF y Mary Ella Brown Center están allí para responder cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre las vacunas COVID-19.
Tenga en cuenta que la vacuna Pfizer está disponible para mayores de 12 años y J&J Janssen para mayores de 18 años.


Dirección: 1350 E Annandale Ave Fresno
Fecha: cada 1er y 3er jueves
Hora: 12 p.m. a 2 p.m.

Coalición Afroamericana
Proyecto de equidad Fresno Covid-19
(con cita)

1025 Fulton Street
Llame a la línea de asistencia para vacunas: (559) 312-8044

-1221 Fulton Street
Llame: (559) 600-3550
Departamento de Salud Pública del Condado de Fresno
Programa de inmunizaciones


Para obtener más información sobre el proceso de redistribución de distritos y proponer su mapa de cómo deberían verse los distritos de la Ciudad de Fresno, haga clic en el botón de abajo.

We are here for you. Estamos Aquí Para Usted.

Our staff remains readily available through COVID-19.

Call us at (559) 621-7832 or email us at
Llamenos al (559) 621-7832 o envíenos un correo electrónico a

Our Fresno City Hall Mailing Address is:
Fresno City Hall
2nd Floor Executive Offices
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, California, 93721

Copyright © 2021 Office of Councilman Miguel A. Arias, All rights reserved.

BREAKING! Gov. Newsom Signs AB 1177 CA Public Banking Option Act!

BREAKING! Gov. Newsom Signs AB 1177 CA Public Banking Option Act!

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BREAKING NEWS: Gov. Newsom Signs AB 1177, the California Public Banking Option Act!

HISTORIC! Today Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1177, the California Public Banking Option Act, a historic step which sets into motion the creation of the nation’s first public banking option. AB 1177 creates the opportunity to transform our financial services system and to center it on the needs of our local communities and build a more inclusive economy.

In the months ahead, the CalAccount Blue Ribbon Commission will convene to conduct a market analysis and to determine the best way to implement the CalAccount program. There will be opportunities for advocates to take part in shaping the CalAccount program and co-hosting public outreach forums.

It’s up to the people to make sure that the CalAccount program reflects our values of equity and inclusion, and that it succeeds in bridging the financial access gap that’s left 1 in 4 Californians, and nearly half of Black and Latino California households unbanked and underbanked. Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to ensure the success of CalAccount, the nation’s first public banking option program.

We’re proud to stand with 250 racial and economic justice groups, climate justice organizations, labor unions and elected officials who worked tirelessly to make AB 1177 possible. We thank the authors of AB 1177 for their vision and courage to end the discriminatory, predatory high-cost financial services that target low-income communities and communities of color.

AB 1177 was championed by lead author Assemblymember Miguel Santiago, and authors Assemblymembers David Chiu, Ash Kalra, Buffy Wicks, Mike Gipson, Lorena Gonzalez, Wendy Carrillo, Eduardo Garcia, Alex Lee, Phil Ting, and Adrin Nazarian. Co-authors include Assemblymembers Laura Friedman, Reggie Jones-Sawyer, Luz Rivas and Senators Ben Hueso, Maria Elena Durazo, Lena Gonzalez, Scott Wiener, and Josh Newman. We thank the Governor and California State Legislature for their leadership in rebuilding an economy that reflects our California values of equity and inclusion.

Thank you to our fellow co-sponsors of AB 1177, SEIU California and California Reinvestment Coalition and to the Californians who spoke truth to power about the realities of being un/underbanked.

This is the second public bank law the California Public Banking Alliance has won, following the passage of AB 857, the California Public Banking Act, signed by Governor Newsom at the end of 2019. Since the passage of AB 857, legislation to create local and regional public banks is moving forward in city halls across the state.

Thank you for making history with us.


Help us amplify the AB 1177 victory to provide universal banking services to all Californians. Here are sample Twitter and Facebook posts to amplify our win:

AB 1177 Social Media Tool Kit


The California Public Banking Alliance is a 100% grassroots, volunteer-powered organization. Please consider donating to support our critical work to revolutionize finance. With your support, we can make public banking a reality in California.





Copyright © 2021, California Public Banking Alliance. All rights reserved.

Advancing socially and environmentally responsible public banks.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Public Health Official Speaks the Truth

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Labor Access to Farmworkers

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September 28, 2021
Labor Access to Farmworkers


fresnoThe Fresno County Democratic Party condemns Governor Newsom’s decision to veto the law that would have allowed farmworker unions to provide a vote-by-mail option for their eternal elections similar to California’s statewide process. The party stands in solidarity with the United Farm Workers as they march in protest from Tulare to French Laundry, the Napa restaurant where Newsom visited during Covid restrictions to much legitimate criticism. Hamstringing unions is a poor way to repay the hard work progressives just put into saving Newsom’s job.
California’s own experience, including the election that just allowed Newsom to retain power, shows that vote-by-mail elections can be conducted in an effective and secure manner, and are a vital tool for increasing the power of the public.
Now, instead of following his own example, Newsom has bowed to the interests of rich agricultural landowners who do not want anything that might tip the lopsided power arrangement toward equality with those who provide their labor.
    With sickening timing, the Trump-packed Supreme Court has set Americans back again, by striking down a 50-year-old California law that gave farmworker unions the right to approach work sites to recruit members. This law had been an achievement of legendary labor organizer Cezar Chavez, who campaigned to end the special exemption that provided farmland more protection than other industries.
Since farm labor is characterized by occurring within expansive swaths of privately owned land with no public facing presence, California’s law allowing union organizers to approach workers where they congregate is necessary. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority decision to value property rights over worker power will only hurt our nation.
Ag owners like to say that any potential lessening of their privilege is a threat to the general food supply. But the landowners are just one part of the chain—the ones who can get rich off it.
We know who’s really doing the planting. Agricultural workers are more likely to be poor with unreliable access to communication technology and reside in multiple scattered locations as they pursue seasonal work.
Direct contact with union organizers was a lifeline for a population otherwise far too vulnerable to exploitation, and now the law crafted to protect them has been slashed apart while a law to strengthen their operation has been stopped at the gate.
The conservative campaigns to weaken unions have been a major contributor in the gulf of inequality that has grown between those who labor and those who profit off ownership. Pressure from California unions has just succeeded at helping pass a speed-quota transparency law, aimed at combating the culture of ambiguity and fear that Amazon has used to extract extra labor from its warehouse staff.
If elected Democrats such as Governor Newsom continue to act in agreement with conservative judges by weakening unions, the future of working people in the United States looks bleak.
For more information, contact the Fresno County Democratic Party at 559-495-0606 or



Young Councilmember Program Applications Available NOW!

Young Councilmember Program Applications Available NOW!

I am excited to announce that applications are now available for the District 1 Young Councilmember Program.  

The Young Councilmember Program offers students the oppurtunity to build their resumes, network and take part in learning about issues that impact our youth.

If you are a high school student that lives or attends school in District 1, you can apply today! The deadline to turn in applications is October 14, 2021.

For more information please visit our District 1 website under the Young Councilmember tab.

Me complace anunciar que las aplicaciones ya están disponibles para el programa de jóvenes concejales del Distrito 1. 

El programa de jóvenes concejales ofrece a los estudiantes la oportunidad da desarrollar sus experiencias, establecer contactos y aprender sobre los problemas que afectan a nuestra juventud.

Si eres un estudiante de preparatoria que vive o atiende la escuela en el Distrito 1, ¡puedes aplicar hoy! El último día de entrega de aplicaciones es el 14 de octubre de 2021.

Para obtener más información, visite nuestro sitio web del Distrito 1 en la sección de jóvenes concejales.

Contact our office with any questions at (559) 621-7817 or at 

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Copyright © Paid for by Soria for City Council 2018
 FPPC # 1402344, All rights reserved.

Our City Hall mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Hall, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721