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CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall Recap

CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall Recap

Building a progressive bench at CADEM

California Democratic Party Logo


Thank you for joining CADEM’s first Statewide Officers Town Hall on Saturday, June 5, 2021. During the Town Hall, we had the opportunity to discuss our collective vision which is built on a values-driven mission to empower Californians and uplift voices reflecting our diversity through intentional, transparent and inclusive leadership.

Our joint decision-making as an executive team will be focussed on five primary areas of our work that requires an equal voice from each Statewide Officer: culture, communications, appointments, finance, and programmatic priorities. Furthermore, we recognize that our party is only as strong as our grassroots leadership and infrastructure. To amplify our collective work, CADEM is committed to actively engaging and supporting our Party’s internal leadership in every corner of California. To deepen our relationships, every officer will connect with specific internal party leaders and focus on the following:

Chair Rusty Hicks:

  • Caucuses & Statewide Charter Organizations
  • DNC Membership
  • Culture Change
  • Training
  • Organizing
  • Finance

Vice Chair Betty Yee:

  • Regional Directors
  • Caucuses & Statewide Charter Organizations
  • County Committees & Democratic Clubs
  • DNC Membership
  • Organizing

Vice Chair David Campos:

  • Regional Directors
  • Caucuses & Statewide Charter Organizations
  • County Committees & Democratic Clubs
  • Communications
  • Organizing

Controller April Verrett:

  • Caucuses & Statewide Charter Organizations
  • Culture Change
  • Training
  • Finance

Secretary Melahat Rafiei:

  • DNC Membership
  • Caucuses & Statewide Charter Organizations
  • Communications
  • Finance

Looking ahead, CADEM is preparing as we face a number of unique challenges: a Republican recall, a delayed redistricting process, and a tough election cycle. However, each unique challenge provides our Party with an unprecedented opportunity to engage, organize and uplift the voices of diverse communities across California.

As we continue to hold these important conversations, we’d like to invite you to our next Statewide Officers Town Hall. We hope every CADEM Delegate will join us at our next virtual community and conversation.


Save the date to join us in building a progressive bench at CADEM!

CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Time coming soon…


Democratically Yours, 

Rusty, Betty, David, April & Melahat   

CADEM Statewide Officers

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

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We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall Recap

June 15, CADEM launches organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall

California Democratic Party Logo



Today, we face the biggest threat in years from the GOP. The Republican National Committee, wealthy Trump donors and right-wing extremists have joined forces in an attempt to recall Governor Gavin Newsom.

The California Democratic Party (CADEM) is playing a critical grassroots organizing role in the anti-recall effort. As a part of the effort, CADEM will launch an organizing effort to Stop the Republican Recall on June 15 from 6 – 7 p.m. We’ll use this time to learn more about the recall effort against Governor Gavin Newsom and how we’ll work together over the next few months to fight back against the right-wing Republican recall attempt.

Stop the Republican Recall Organizing Launch

Tuesday June 15

6 – 7 p.m.

Register Now »

Join the grassroots, people-powered movement to stand with Californians and Governor Gavin Newsom.

In solidarity,

California Democratic Party

DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

If this email was forwarded to you, please sign up for our email list here.

We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall Recap

TIME CHANGE: CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall

Join us on Saturday, June 5th at 2 p.m. for our Statewide Officers Town Hall!

California Democratic Party Logo


We’re looking forward to our Statewide Officers Town Hall!

To ensure we can hear from as many voices as possible, we have changed the time to 2 – 3 p.m. on June 5th.

CADEM Statewide Officers Town Hall

Saturday, June 5, 2021

2p.m –  3p.m

Register Now»

We hope every CADEM Delegate will join us as we plan for the year ahead. From organizing against the Republican Recall, to preparing for the 2022 midterms, to the important work of advancing equity and justice within the party, there is much to be done — but we have hope that we will meet the moment.

There is nothing we can’t do when we come together as Democrats.


Democratically Yours, 

Rusty, Betty, David, April & Melahat   

CADEM Statewide Officers



DONATE NOW Our Democratic leaders are working hard to make California a better place to live. From fighting for good-paying jobs, combating climate change, to expanding healthcare access so all Californians can lead safe, healthy, prosperous lives — California’s Democratic leaders turn progressive ideas into meaningful action.

If this email was forwarded to you, please sign up for our email list here.

We rely on email to communicate with supporters like you and conduct the business of the California Democratic Party.




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Paid for by the California Democratic Party | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.


California Democratic Party
1830 9th St
Sacramento, CA 95811
United States

Jobs, Justice, & Unions Agenda Is Here! – A CVP Leadership Training on June 5, 2021

Jobs, Justice, & Unions Agenda Is Here! – A CVP Leadership Training on June 5, 2021

The Central Valley Partnership’s Leadership Series returns next month with Jobs, Justice, & Unions!

The agenda is filled with a variety of voices from Labor, who will speak on several movements happening at the local, state and national levels.

This online workshop will be held Saturday, June 5th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. PT on Zoom and is free to all who to register.

Join the movement – sign up today!

In Solidarity,

Daniel O’Connell, Ph.D.
Pronouns: he, him, his
Executive Director

3482 West Shaw Avenue Suite 102
Fresno CA 93711
United States


You are receiving this email because you indicated an interest in Central Valley Partnership.


Join me for Coffee & Conversation!

Join me for Coffee & Conversation!

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Dear Resident, 

Join me this Wednesday, May 19th at 9:00 am for Coffee & Conversation! I will be providing updates on COVID-19, the McKinley & Blackstone Neighborhood Senior Center, upcoming City of Fresno Budget Hearings, and the Emerson Island and Tower District Beautification Plan.

You can join me live on Facebook @EsmeraldaSoriaforCityCouncil or access the video later on my Facebook page.

If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact my office or comment on our page.


Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Councilmember
District 1 

Querido residente,

¡Lo invito este miércoles 19 de mayo a las 9:00 am para café y conversación! Proporcionaré actualizaciones sobre COVID-19, el Centro para personas mayores de la comunidad de McKinley y Blackstone, las próximas audiencias presupuestarias de la ciudad de Fresno y el Plan de embellecimiento de las islas Emerson y el Distrito Tower.

Puedes ver esta junta en vivo por Facebook @EsmeraldaSoriaforCityCouncil o acceder al video más tarde en mi página de Facebook.

Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, no dude en comunicarse con mi oficina o comentar en nuestra página.


Esmeralda Soria
Concejal de la Ciudad de Fresno
Distrito 1 

Contact our office with any questions at (559) 621-7817 or at 

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Copyright © Paid for by Soria for City Council 2018
1402344, All rights reserved.

Our City Hall mailing address is:
Office of Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria
Fresno City Hall, 2nd Floor
2600 Fresno Street
Fresno, CA 93721