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Fundraiser with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett May, 11

Fundraiser with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett May, 11


Please Join the Fresno County Democratic Party for a Virtual Fundraiser
with Special Guest Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands)

Introduction by Congressman Jim Costa 

Mistress of Ceremonies Amanda Renteria

Tuesday, May 11, 5:00 PM-6:00 PM
Via Zoom (Link Available Upon Receipt of Reservation)

Sponsorship Opportunities with Special Recognition

$250 Silver Sponsor / $500 Gold Sponsor / $1,000 Platinum Sponsor

General Admission $35 Ticket / $75 Friends / $100 Supporter

For event tickets and sponsorships visit 

For Additional Information Contact Fresno County Democratic Party HQ

Or Marsha Conant at 559-709-8016, or Gail Gaston at 559-681-3140

Fresno Stonewall Democrats Harvey Milk Leadership and Action Forum

Fresno Stonewall Democrats Harvey Milk Leadership and Action Forum

This forum will feature LGBTQ community leaders and will explore different ways members of the LGBTQ+ community can get involved and take action to advance the interests of our community. Panelists will talk about running for office as openly gay people, leading by your values, getting involved in campaigns, organizing, volunteering, getting involved in causes and starting non-profits and creating spaces for community growth. This is an LGBTQ+ focused forum, but open to all and should be highly informative to all.

The webinar will be hosted via zoom. Register at:

* Learn more about Fresno Stonewall Democrats at, or Fresno Stonewall Democrats on Facebook.


BWOPA’s 11th annual Salute to Sisterhood on June 24

BWOPA’s 11th annual Salute to Sisterhood on June 24

Attached is a flyer for BWOPA’s 11th annual Salute to Sisterhood on June 24.

It is a virtual event and you will find details attached. Contributions to this event are tax deductible.

Let Kimberly know if you have any questions:

Kimberly Tapscott-Munson

KTM Consultant Services

(559) 252-252-4780 Office