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Standing in Solidarity with the Homeless

The homeless No Camping ordinance in Fresno will be implemented on Friday, September 29, 2017.  At that time Fresno Police officers will be authorized to arrest homeless people who sleep on public or private property, effectively criminalizing homelessness.  After arrest, homeless people will face a $1,000 fine and 6 months in jail.

I believe this is a pivotal moment in Fresno’s approach to homelessness.  How we respond when the authorities come after the homeless and drag them to jail one at a time will say a lot about who we are and what we do when confronted with injustice, intolerance and a city government engaged in immoral conduct that violates basic human rights.

We must not be silent as homeless people (our brothers and sisters) are punished for the crime of being too poor to afford a home.

This is the time for everyone who believes in social and economic justice to draw a line in the sand and City Hall is where we need to focus.  If 100 people committed Civil Disobedience by protesting this morally bankrupt law it would make an important statement.  If 1,000 people committed themselves to camping out at City Hall that night it might force the city to ignore the law (rather than arrest us all).

if you want to stop the City of Fresno from implementing this ordinance, help us get 1,000 people to attend this event.  We need people who are willing to bring their tent and sleeping bag to City Hall on Friday, September 29 starting at 9 p.m.

Your participation in this event will directly impact the city’s homeless policy and how the homeless are treated in this community.

For more information, go to:

Mike Rhodes
(559) 978-4502










Attachment(s) from Mike Rhodes [FresnoHomelessAdvocates] | View attachments on the web

Understanding Putin’s Russia Sept 28, 6PM

Understanding Putin’s Russia

An evening with Michelle DenBeste, sponsored by the Fresno County Democratic Party’s Events and Voter Education Committee

September 28, 6 p.m., Democratic Party headquarters (1035 U St., Downtown Fresno)

 Russian leader Vladimir Putin has overseen a dramatic transformation of his country’s fortunes since his first presidential term in 2000. But Russia’s rise under Putin has also confronted rising challenges in recent years with the decline of international fuel prices, a mainstay of the Russian economy. Putin’s grip on power, whether as president or prime minister, and the Kremlin’s position on a diverse range of issues – from the country’s internal opposition and the regime’s use of cyberwarfare to the future of NATO and the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine – have come under increased scrutiny. This attention to Russia’s behavior and geopolitical role under Putin has only become sharper in the wake of the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.






Michelle DenBeste is the interim dean of the College of Social Sciences and a Professor of Russian History at CSU Fresno. She received her Ph.D. from Southern Illinois University (Carbondale) and her B.A. from the University of Washington.