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We’re hitting the streets for Medicare for All!

Medicare for All could soon become a reality! National leaders including Senators Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris are fighting for Medicare for All, while the California State Democratic Party has embraced our very own plan for single payer.

Now it’s up to us to show the rest of the country that it can work. Californians have a real opportunity to lead the nation in establishing a single-payer universal health coverage system for all. To do that, we need to continue the pressure on California Assembly Democrats to push single payer forward in California.

This weekend, Courage Campaign and our partners from the HealthyCA campaign will host events during which we’ll talk to voters in every single Assembly district — including yours.

You can help give the campaign a huge boost by joining us at an event in your district! The more voters we can reach, the better our chance of passing single payer when the session reconvenes in January. Can you join us?

Click here to find an event near you!

The Affordable Care Act was an important step forward for health care, cutting the number of uninsured in California by half.(1) But more and more, Californians are realizing that the true solution is to get the profit out of health care.

If we can make single payer a reality in California, then we can show the rest of the country that it works.

To get single payer going in California, we need to make sure that Assembly Democrats know that voters in their district demand Medicare for All! Join our Medicare for All Weekend of Action and help make single payer a reality in California!

Click here to RSVP!

Yours in the fight for health care for all,

Mahdi, along with Annie, Brenna, Caitlin, Eddie, Emma, Lindsay, Mary, MJ, Molly, Raquel, Scottie, Tim, and William (the Courage team)


Like what we do? Chip in to help fund the fight for a more progressive nation. Or find us on Facebook or Twitter.
Courage Campaign fights for a more progressive California and country. We are an online community powered by more than 1.4 million members.

Southwest Fresno Specific Plan Update

Hello Residents and Stakeholders of Southwest Fresno:


This email is to let you know that the October 2017 Redline Draft of the Southwest Specific Plan (SWFSP) is available at the following link (active for 72 hours): .  The document is also posted on the city’s website at  The redline draft incorporates the plan revisions recommended by the Steering Committee in the August 8, 2017 Revisions Memo that was recently circulated with the Draft EIR.  It also includes additional redlines that respond to comments made on the EIR and that are consistent with the core policies in the plan.  Final consideration of the SWFSP is scheduled as follows:

Fresno Planning Commission – Wednesday, October 18, 2017, 6:00 p.m. or thereafter, City Council Chambers

Fresno City Council – Thursday, October 26, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. or thereafter, City Council Chambers

Help us get the word out! Attached are outreach flyers in English and Spanish to inform residents of these hearings.  (They are designed in 11 x 17 format and require folding in half).

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Sophia Pagoulatos

Planning Manager

City of Fresno

Development and Resource Management Department

(559) 621-8062




Parks Master Plan Event


Thank you for all of your input during the Parks Master

Plan Update. Your feedback about vision, needs, and

priorities for Fresno’s park and open space system has been

a critical component throughout our parks master planning


We now invite you to join us this October for our document

launch – come learn all about your community’s parks

master plan and help us celebrate your parks!

Event date: Thursday, October 12, 2017 – 6pm to 8pm

Ted C. Wills Community Center Senior Center

770 N. San Pablo Ave Fresno, CA 93728