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Dia de los Muertos Party + 1-min Survey by CSUF Students

Friday, October 26, 6:00 – 10:00 pm
Bitwise 700 Van Ness Ave
Community Alliance newspaper presents Noche de Calaveritas – A fundraising event to benefit local Spanish independent journalism. 

And, a celebration the one year anniversary of 
Lourdes “Lulu” Medina’s tenure as Spanish section editor.

Tickets $25 at the door

6:00 Lobby, Bitwise – Mexican tamales, savory appetizers, mezcal tasting, wine, and aguas frescas – 50/50 raffle ticket sales for cash prize – music by DJ Kase
6:45 John W. Dodson Theater, BitwiseMujeres Valientes, Delia y Diana, “Cantos de Protesta”, Poetess Aideed Medina, Open Mic reading of a calaverita or a poem
7:30 Intermission: Bitwise, LobbySpecial appearance of La Catrina from Visalia — Selfie time! Sweet Mexican bread, hot chocolate, final sale 50/50 cash raffle tickets
8:00 John W. Dodson Theater, Bitwise – Performance by Chilean artist AMALI’, “El Canto Valiente”, Recognition of local contributors by Lourdes Medina, Editor of Community Alliance Spanish section /Alianza Comunitaria, Raffle drawing – raffle prizes and 50/50 cash prize, Closing remarks and thank you for your support! Open Mic: Sing, Read or Play
Pan Valley Institute’s Fundraising Event

Friday, October 26, Noon to 9:30 pm – Food, Community Dialogues, Informal Networking, Multimedia Exhibit, Silent Auction, Entertainment throughout the day,

The Falls Event Center, 4105 W Figarden Dr, Pan-Valley Institute’s 20th Anniversary Event and Fundraiser, TICKETS $30. For more information and to buy tickets
Noon – 2 p.m. CULTURAL KITCHEN will serve Syrian, Hmong, Zapoteco, Mixteco and other immigrant cuisines. 3 – 5 p.mPLATICAS (community dialogues) — Platica #1 A Gender Perspective on Leadership, Platica #2 Protecting Love, Counteracting Hate, Platica #3 Interfaith Vision on Human Migration, Platica #4 U.S. History of Exclusion
5:30 – 6 p.m. BLESSING CEREMONY Conducted by two of the Chukchansi tribe’s female spiritual leaders. GRAND FINALE 6:30 – 8:10 p.m. Informal Networking, Music,  
Multimedia Exhibit, Silent Auction 8:10 – 8:20 p.m. Drum Circle 8:20 – 9 p.m. Where do We Go from Here? Imagining a Shared Vision, Acknowledgments 9 – 9:30 p.m. Poetry,
Seti X, Drum Circle, Banda
Saturday, October 27, Speakers and Dinner 4 – 5:15 pm , Performances 5:15 pm, Sal Mosqueda Community Center, 4670 E Butler Ave, FAMILY EVENT WITH FAMILY PRICING Teatro de la Tierra presents La Muerte Viene Echando Rasero / Death Comes Wielding Her Scythe, Celebracion del Dia de los Muertos / Dia de los Muertos Celebration, Storytelling by two Mixtec community cultural organizers followed by Q & A. Performance featuring Agustin Lira, Patricia Wells, Merlinda Espinosa, and Generaciaones. $15 Includes dinner & show; $10 show only; seniors & students $11 dinner & show; $6 show only; Children ages 12-9 $7 dinner & show, $4 show only; 9 & under show is free; $5 Child’s plate. Call 485-8558. Lots of details at
Sunday, October 28, 3 – 6 pm, 2231 W Dakota Ave, Dakota EcoGarden Open House and Potluck Meal,  everyone’s invited, bring food to share. Eat, tour, listen to former residents’ stories, enjoy some entertainment being arranged by Dixie Salazar – our artist, poet, harmonica duetist. We’d love to have a bunch of people come out to help us celebrate completion of our 5th year of giving hope and haven to many of our homeless friends. Nancy Waidtlow 224 – 1738, or for last minute directions: 225-2767
Saturday, November 10, 3:30 p.m., Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness (on the southeast corner of McKinley and Van Ness). Meeting of the Central Valley Progressive PAC to discuss the outcome of the recent mid term election, how we will work with and get the newly elected politicians to support progressive issues. We will also discuss our own (CVPPAC) executive board elections which will take place in January 2019. FB event page for more info If you have any questions, call CVPPAC president Pam Whalen at (559) 994-9390

A day that celebrates peace, not war,
is the best way to honor the sacrifices of veterans
Monday, November 12, 5:30 p.m
Mitch Jeserich, of KPFA’s “Letters and Politics” will
speak on the topic
Armistice and Its Aftermath
Community United Church of Christ, 
5550 N Fresno St,
** Admission is Free **
One hundred years ago, on November 11, as World War I ended, nations were mourning their dead. They collectively called for an end to all wars. Armistice Day was designated as “a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace”. After World War II, November 11 was rebranded Veterans Day. Honoring the warrior quickly evolved to the glorification of war and displays of militarism — the opposite of what the day once stood for. Veteran’s For Peace has an on-going campaign to #ReclaimArmisticeDay.

ar·mi·stice /ˈärməstəs/  noun 1. an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time; a truce.  synonyms: truceceasefirepeace, suspension of hostilities.
Tuesday, November 13, 6:30 pm, Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N Van Ness Ave, (SE corner Van Ness and McKinley across from Fresno City College). We invite you to the next Peace Fresno Meeting. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month.

One minute – Fresno Homeless Survey – Student Project
Peter McDonald writes: We are working with a group of Management students in a service learning project here at Fresno State to conduct a one-minute survey on finding transitional housing for the homeless in Fresno. The survey is anonymous but we do need your zip code. Please take a moment to fill out this very quick survey, both to help our students on their senior project, as well as provide important data for local social service agencies.

4 questions – one minute: Easy as that. And by all means FORWARD the survey on to your contacts in Fresno!
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Online Donations for Sun-Maid Workers!


Fresno, Madera, Tulare & Kings AFL-CIO

Thursday, September 24, 2018



Donate to Sun-Maid Workers Today!



Union and Community Members,

An online account has been developed to keep our sisters and brothers at Sun-Maid Raisins strong in their fight for affordable healthcare!




More than 500 workers were forced off the job during peak raisin season at one of the Valley’s largest multi-billion dollar companies. The new CEO at Sun-Maid Raisins is defining the value of his employees by the cost of their healthcare, not their production and years of service. He is determined to break the workers spirits by refusing to give them affordable healthcare heading into the holiday season. Now he is sending propaganda to the workers suggesting that they decertify the Teamsters union from representing them. 



– Teamsters 431

Bring food, water and supplies to help feed the workers holding the line @ 13525 S Bethel Ave, Kingsburg, CA 93631



Fresno, Madera, Tulare & Kings AFL-CIO
(559) 275-1151
3485 W Shaw Ave # 101 Fresno, CA 93711