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“I am not a politician, and my only motivation is to help Fresno
become a great city we can all be proud of.”

– David L. McDonald, Former Measure “Z” Campaign Chairman and Former CEO of Pelco

Dear Yes On P Supporter,

Your mailbox has been piling up with political ads, and at this time in the election season voters are becoming tired of conflicting messaging and misinformation. To set the record straight on the specifics of Measure P, our donor David McDonald has penned an open letter that can be read in today’s Fresno Bee.

Click here to read David McDonald’s open letter and learn about Measure P’s oversight, fiscal accountability, safety improvements, and fund allocations.

With only two days till the election, please forward this email to your friends and family so our residents have accurate information on Measure P and all the wonderful benefits it will bring to Fresno. The success of #YesOnP will rely on people like you who are willing to help us spread the message so EVERYONE in Fresno can have access to clean, safe neighborhood parks!

It’s not too late to help get out the Yes on P vote on Tuesday! Even if it’s just for a couple hours, you can make the difference in ensuring that everyone’s vote counts in this election. Sign up now and we’ll confirm all the details.

Paid for by Yes on P, Fresno for Clean, Safe Neighborhood Parks: A Coalition of Parents, Seniors, and Community Leaders, Sponsored by the Central Valley Community Foundation; committee major funding from:
David L. McDonald
Central Valley Community Foundation
Lyles Foundation


Yes On P – Fresno for Parks · 5260 N Palm Ave #122 · Fresno, CA 93704 · USA