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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Elizabeth will do what she always does: speak from the heart.

Warren for President

Elizabeth is getting ready to take the debate stage tonight — but you can bet that she’s not memorizing a message that’s been tested in focus groups or influenced by political calculations.

Instead, she’ll do what she always does: speak from the heart. This campaign has always been about fighting for what we believe in: getting organized at the grassroots level to end Washington corruption, rebuild the middle class, save our democracy, and level the playing field for working people.

If you’re ready to fight alongside her, donate $3 or whatever you can before midnight tomorrow to help our campaign hit this important July fundraising goal.

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Dream big and fight hard,

Team Warren







Paid for by Warren for President

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PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02116