Chair Eric C. Bauman sent the following message to Senate Democrats earlier today:
“The California State Senate will soon vote on SB 562, The Healthy California Act. At the recent 2017 California State Democratic Convention delegates overwhelmingly passed a resolution reaffirming our commitment to single payer healthcare legislation. California Democrats believe healthcare is a right for every person and that the best way to ensure that right is a single payer system that puts patients ahead of profits. “This next vote in the Senate is another crucial test. I urge every Senate Democrat to vote yes. This bill must keep moving forward, so that the authors, Senator Lara and Senator Atkins, can continue the pressing work of designing the right policy for all Californians. I urge every Senator to do all they can to advance the cause of single payer healthcare. Millions of Californians are depending on us to seize this moment of history and finally realize a century’s worth of advocacy and organizing to make healthcare universally accessible for every Californian. And as Donald Trump sends a wrecking ball to Obamacare, we must continue to fight for the human right of healthcare for all.” |