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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Thank you Napa County!


Thank you to the delegates at the Napa County Democratic Central Committee who made Eric the top vote-getter in the endorsement vote!


Thank you to Assembly Member Cecilia Aguiar-Curry for your kind endorsement and for carrying the legislation to get broadband into our rural counties! This will ensure that Eric’s bold idea to live-cast our meetings to Democrats in every corner of our state will work. Assembly Member Aguiar-Curry joins Rep. Mike Thompson and Senator Bill Dodd in supporting Eric.


Thank you, Brother Jon Riley, Executive Director of the Napa and Solano Central Labor Council*, for your endorsement!


And thank you, Mary Ann Mancuso, Trustee at Napa Valley College*, for your friendship and support!


Napa makes great wine and even better Democrats.




— Team Bauman


*Titles included for those marked with an asterisk are for identification purposes only.