Dear Friend:
As you may know, there are efforts in Congress to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which became law in 2010. President Barack Obama and Congress enacted the ACA in hopes of reining in skyrocketing health care costs and providing important new protections for doctors and patients. Since the enactment of the ACA, more than 20 million Americans have gained health coverage who didn’t have it before.
Additionally, as a result of the ACA, the days of denied coverage due to preexisting conditions are over. Because of health care reform, young adults under the age of 26 are now covered under their parent’s health insurance, and thousands of seniors in California’s 16th Congressional district are now eligible for Medicare preventive services without paying any co-pays, coinsurance, or deductibles. Thousands of children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied coverage by health insurers, and hundreds of small businesses have taken advantage of tax credits to help maintain or expand coverage for their employees.
While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act created many improvements for families throughout the San Joaquin Valley, the law is certainly not perfect. Further improvements to the law and our health care system can and should be made. Since passage of the new health care law, I have voted several times to revise certain provisions to improve the law and the U.S. health care system. The Valley has unique challenges that face our small businesses, farmers, and agriculture workers, and I will continue to support commonsense reforms that reflect their needs.
As Congress continues to move forward with repealing the ACA, I would like to know your thoughts on the issue by taking the survey below. Your answers will help me to better represent the views of San Joaquin Valley residents.
Do you support efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?
[ ] No – The ACA has helped me and/or my family gain health coverage.
[ ] No – I support the ACA but some parts of the law could be fixed.
[ ] Yes – There is nothing good in the law. The ACA has NOT been helpful to me and/or my family.
[ ] Yes – While I do like some parts of the ACA, the law should be repealed and a better health care law should be enacted.
[ ] Other
Click Here to take ACA Survey
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Thank you for answering the survey question.
To get up-to-date information on the work I am doing on behalf of our Valley, please visit my website at and and sign up for my e-newsletter.
Jim Costa
Member of Congress
Fresno Office
855 M Street, Suite 940
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-495-1620
Fax: 559-495-1027
Merced Office
2222 M St, Suite 305
Merced, CA 95340
Phone: 209-384-1620
Washington, DC Office
1314 Longworth H.O.B.
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3341
Fax: 202-225-9308
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