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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.

Hello Fellow Democrat Party Leaders…

I am seeking endorsements and support from each Democratic Club in Fresno County. My candidacy is a county-wide election, meaning EVERY registered voter in Fresno County can vote. Because of this, I am seeking endorsements and support from every area of the county.

Please inform me of your club’s endorsement process or allow me to attend your next meeting to introduce myself and candidacy. I realise that not every club endorses, however every club member will be able to vote and give of their individual support. I will need all the support possible to win this election.

I will be in the Primary Election on June 7th, with ballots being sent the first part of May. So your rapid response is also appreciated. 

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

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Daren Miller, Ed.D.
PO Box 4662
Fresno, CA 93744 (currently being relaunched)
559-202-3969 (campaign mobile)

“I am America, You are America, We are America”