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Fresno County General Plan

2020-2040 Update

“The General Plan Policy Document
Envisions and Shapes the Future
For Both Rural and Urban Residents of Fresno County.”

Get the League’s Study Guide here.                                     Published 09/01/21
Get the County’s Draft 2020-2040 Policy Document
here.    Released  07/30/21
Review Period for the Draft EIR                                              Unknown
Dates for Community Meetings                                               Unknown

The County staff person overseeing the update of the General Plan & Zoning Ordinance is Principal Planner Chris Motta.  Should you have questions or wish to submit comments, you can email the County at

Changes and Challenges

Article No. 1
tember 21, 2021

New League Study Guide:
Redlined Policies and Programs

To fully understand the scope and depth of the proposed changes to the General Plan, the League has prepared a reliable redlined version of policies and implementation programs so that county residents can see exactly what County government proposes to add, delete or revise.


The Fresno County General Plan is in the process of being updated.

The update is timely.  The current plan, adopted in 2000, was developed with a 20-year planning horizon in mind.

The General Plan is not a single document.  It is a collection of documents.  The document that draws the most interest is the Policy Document.  It contains the goals, policies and implementation programs that govern decision-making for just about every issue affecting the quality of our lives, including economic development, land use, water supply and environmental protection.  Simply put, the Policy Document both envisions and shapes the future for both rural and urban residents of Fresno County.  Read the entire article.

Article No. 2
tember 21, 2021

Morph!  A Five-Year Review
Becomes a Comprehensive Update

In fits and starts over the course of 16 years, the County’s “review” of the 2000-2020 General Plan has morphed into a comprehensive plan “update” with a planning horizon to the year 2040.  To effectively participate in the review of the draft 2020-2040 General Plan, county residents must have a clear understanding of how this transformation came about.


Every city and county in California has a general plan.  Such plans envision the character and scope of future development and serve as the legal underpinnings for land use decisions.

Historically, because decisions regarding the future growth of the state have been left to local jurisdictions, it is not surprising to find that state law gives cities and counties a great deal of latitude in choosing both the format and content of their individual plans.
Read the entire article.

Article No. 3
tember 21, 2021

Lack of Public Participation
in the Design of the 2020-2040 General Plan

The County of Fresno has not invited county residents to participate in the development of the new 2020-2040 General Plan.  In marked contrast, as the 2000-2020 General Plan was developed, there were numerous public meetings, including 15 focus group meetings administered by UC Davis, 35 open houses and 8 town hall meetings.


The current 2000-2020 General Plan was adopted October 3, 2000.  As part of the update process, in early 1997, the University of California at Davis interviewed 128 county residents representing a variety of interests and areas of the county.  In 1997, the university published a report entitled “Fresno County and the Future: Residents’ Views of Growth, Resources and Jobs” which listed the concerns of county residents, the matters of greatest interest being (1) job creation and economic diversification, (2) the protection of resources and (3) the strain on infrastructure and services caused in part by inefficient growth patterns – i.e., urban sprawl.  
Read the entire article.

Read archived articles here.


1    09/21/21    New League Study Guide: Redlined Policies and Programs

2    09/21/21    Morph!  A Five-Year Review Becomes a Comprehensive Update
3    09/21/21    Lack of Public Participation in the Design of the 2020-2040 General Plan

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