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January 6th, 2020
Contact: Tom Dallas –

—For Immediate Release—

Former Congressman Mike Honda Endorses Bobby Bliatout 
In Race Against Devin Nunes

Bobby Bliatout has added Former Congressman Mike Honda to his large and growing coalition of 
supporters and endorsers in closely-watched CA-22 contest

Fresno, CA- The Bobby Bliatout for Congress Campaign has announced the endorsement of Former Congressman Mike Honda today in his race for California’s 22nd Congressional District against scandal-plagued incumbent Devin Nunes. Congressman Honda joins a growing coalition of local and federal leaders urging voters to support Bobby Bliatout.

In a statement released alongside the endorsement, Mr Bliatout commented “This endorsement is a great honor. Congressman Honda has been a champion for our shared Democratic values for many years, and his leadership while in office made life better for countless Americans – on issues ranging from civil rights, to education, to healthcare, the environment, and the economy. He knows better than anyone what it takes to get things done in Congress, and I am grateful for his support today.”

Bobby is the endorsed candidate of the California Democratic Party, and to date continues to dominate in local endorsements, with supporters including Victor Lopez, mayor of Orange Cove; Jose Sigala, mayor of Tulare; Greg Gomez, mayor of Farmersville; Ruben Macareno, Farmersville City Council member; Miguel Arias, Fresno City Council member; Blong Xiong, former Fresno City Council member; Daren Miller, Fresno County Board of Education trustee; Brandon Vang, Sanger Unified School District Board trustee; John Leal, State Center Community College District trustee; Dr. Perla Soria, Lindsay Unified School District #4 trustee; Laura Soria Cortes, Lindsay City Council member; Ivet Soria, Lindsay Hospital board member; Eliseo Gamino, Firebaugh Unified School District trustee; Espi Sandoval, Kerman City Council member; Jose Ornelas, San Joaquin City council member; Steve Ly, mayor of Elk Grove; Allen Warren, Sacramento City Council member; and the Tulare County Stonewall Democrats.

Bobby has also been endorsed by civil rights legend, Dolores Huerta.

The 22nd Congressional District covers large portions of Fresno and Tulare counties. The primary election is March 3, 2020.





Paid for by Bobby Bliatout for Congress 2020

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1525 E Shaw Avenue Suite 101, Fresno CA 93710