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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


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The Speaker of the House of Representatives has announced that Donald Trump will finally face an impeachment inquiry after reports that the President once again asked a foreign country to help him win an election, putting our democracy and national security at risk. We also know that for too long Trump got away without facing the consequences of his illegal acts, such as obstruction of justice and colluding with a foreign government.
It shouldn’t have taken this long and for too long Rep. Jim Costa was silent on this issue. We need more from our representative. We need someone who will be a voice for all of us. We need someone who will do their job in Congress and hold the president accountable – not wait to speak up when the politics are right or wait until it’s convenient for them.
That’s why I’m running for Congress – because we need a voice in Congress who will take a stand and do what’s right for the families of the Valley. I will be that new voice, and the only factor in the decisions I make and the positions I take is whether or not it will improve the lives of my constituents.

P.S. We need new leadership in Washington, but I can’t make it there without you. We only have a few days before our next fundraising deadline – please contribute what you can right now.






Paid for by Esmeralda Soria for Congress