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The Fresno County Democratic Central Committee has not endorsed any candidate in this race.


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I am a young mother and a college student who successfully ran for city council at the age of 19 in Kingsburg, CA. To my knowledge, my victory made me the youngest elected official in Fresno County history. Many people dismissed my campaign because of my age, color, and gender. However, it was elected officials like Esmeralda who motivated and supported me.

Today, I am proud to return that support to Esmeralda as she runs for Congress.

Like most of us here in the Valley, I don’t have a lot of money to spare, but when Esmeralda told me that she was running, I immediately contributed $20 to her campaign. I believe that we need a new voice in Washington who will fight for hard-working Valley families, and I know that Esmeralda will be our voice. Esmeralda understands that for too long politicians have been beholden to special interests and failing Valley families.

Many of us – like Esmeralda’s family – despite working hard and playing by the rules, are still struggling. That’s why I know Esmeralda will put those families first by fighting to fix our broken health care system, make college affordable and rebuild our middle class.

Look, most of don’t have a lot of money to spare, but if we are going to win this, then we have to give!

I hope you will join me and contribute $5, $10, $20 or whatever amount you can afford to help Esmeralda so she can be our voice in Washington and fight for our future.



Anthony’s mom, Jewel







Paid for by Esmeralda Soria for Congress