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stration officials in criminal contempt


BREAKING NEWS: The House of Representatives has voted to hold two Trump administration officials in criminal contempt for failing to cooperate in an investigation into why the administration tried to add a citizenship question to the census.


This latest blow comes after the Supreme Court ruled against adding the question and Trump finally conceded defeat in his efforts to reinstate it. While this is all a BIG DEAL, it doesn’t mean our fight for a fair and accurate census is over. We must keep pushing until everyone is counted next year.


The stakes are too high to let our guards down. Our children’s education funding, grants for hospitals and clinics, our representation in Congress — and so much more — depend on the census.


These high stakes mean Trump and Republican leaders will keep working to suppress census participation and try to keep us from getting our fair share of federal funding and representation.



We’ve seen the GOP game plan when it comes to the census. We know that they want fewer immigrants, people of color, and working class families to participate so that they can further their partisan redistricting efforts.


We can’t let that happen. Can I count on you to join our efforts to get a complete count in California and across the country?



Thank you for all you do,

Alex Padilla

California Secretary of State