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Let’s come together and take back Congress.                                                                                                                                                                         


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It’s only Wednesday, and Trump has already declared himself a “nationalist,” stoked racist fears about the caravan of Central American refugees, and had his administration’s cruel plan to “define” transgender Americans out of existence leaked to the public.

Let me be clear: We will not let the Trump administration’s hate and bigotry erase transgender Californians. We will not let Trump and his rubber stamps in Congress continue their xenophobic and hateful attacks on immigrants and refugees.

And we will continue to fight for survivors of sexual assault, working Californians, or any other members of our communities under constant attack by Trump’s administration. With just 13 days to go until November 6, one of the best ways for us to stand up to Trump and his GOP lackeys is by doing what we can to take back the House for Democrats.

Will you chip in $20.18 or more right now, so we can win big for Democrats here in California on Election Day?   

As California Democrats, we will always fight to protect our trans family, friends, coworkers, and community members. And we will always speak out against xenophobia and white supremacy.

But to be able to stand up for our communities and our values on the national level, it’s critical that Democrats take back the House — and the path to a blue Congress runs through California.

We can take back Congress, but we need your support to get out the vote these final 13 days before Election Day.

Chip in $20.18 or more right now, so we can take back the House for Democrats.

Let’s come together now and take back Congress.

Democratically Yours,

Eric C. Bauman, Chair
California Democratic Party


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