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Kidney dialysis centers are dangerously unregulated. Yes on 8 will protect patients.                                                                                                                                                                         


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This November, the California Democratic Party is prioritizing the passage of Proposition 8, the Fair Pricing for Dialysis Act.

As a Registered Nurse, I know first-hand how patients are affected by the conditions of the clinic and, of course, the high cost of care. Both of these critical issues are at the forefront of this proposition. We must insist on clean and safe clinics and we cannot allow corporations to gouge consumers, and as a result, increase the cost for all patients.

Dialysis is a life-saving treatment in which a patient whose kidneys have failed can have their blood cleaned of toxins and excess substances (like potassium) by running it through a machine that acts as an artificial kidney and then returning it to their circulation. 


Dialysis corporations make billions by inflating charges for some of these gravely ill patients, but they don’t always invest enough in basic sanitation. Bloodstains, cockroaches, and dirty bathrooms have all been reported at some dialysis clinics, which have the potential to contribute to high infection rates.

California’s largest dialysis corporations make nearly $4 billion in profits from their dialysis operations, charging some patients an estimated $150,000 a year — approximately a 350 percent markup. But here’s a fact: high prices for healthcare services drive up costs for all Californians. Proposition 8 will require the corporations to refund excessive profits — more than 15% above the cost of patient care — that aren’t spent on improving patient conditions. 

As your Chair, I am urging you to join me and voting YES on Proposition 8. California needs to continue to be the Big Blue Beacon of Hope, and your support of Proposition 8 will make the difference in the lives of many Californians who need our help.

Click here to formally endorse Proposition 8. For more information,visit the Yes on 8 webpage. 

Democratically Yours,

Eric C. Bauman, RN, Chair
California Democratic Party

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