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New video will change the race, need your help.


I’ll keep this short because I want the video to speak for itself. We’ve created a video (it’s short) that really goes into depth about my childhood growing up in the Barrio Logan in San Diego, and how my mother risked everything to give me a shot at the American Dream.


It also talks about how it almost didn’t happen.


We launched it yesterday and the response has been incredible, in just 24 short hours, this video has been seen over 35,000 times on Twitter. And it’s just beginning.


Reality is that we need to get this message across the state to progressive activists, independent voters and even Republicans. Can you make a contribution and help us spread this video to every corner of the state?


Daniel Marans from Huffington Post broke this story and he writes:


“In fact, he has a record of progressive accomplishments in the legislature that would be the envy of many congressional veterans. He was the author of California’s sanctuary state bill, which became law in October. More recently, de León shepherded the passage of a climate change bill that requires California to run on 100 percent renewable energy by 2045.


“I’m no stranger to crafting complex, arcane policies like 100 percent clean energy. That’s not an easy feat in the fifth largest economy in the world,” de León said.

“I’m not being aspirational,” he added. “I want to get shit done.”

I hope you agree. And the only way that we can get our message out is with grassroots donations. It’s not perfect, but in order to run a statewide campaign in a place as big as California we need to raise funds and get this message out there.


Will you donate to my campaign today and help this video go viral?



If this video moves you, or makes you think that we can be a better country with new leadership, my ask is simple:



This money will go solely towards making sure that we get this in front of Democrats, Republicans, and independents all across California and the country.


Our campaign has always been grounded in the hope that California deserves not only one, but two progressive voices in the Senate. I’m so glad and grateful to have you on my side.


Thank you,




Paid for by Kevin de León for Senate


Kevin De León for Senate (ID# C00658773)
3605 Long Beach Blvd., Suite 426
Long Beach CA 90807 United States