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The fight continues for the progressive values and the vision most of us have for California. The latest offense to our values is AB84, a bill originated in the Assembly that would seek to raise the contribution limits for certain special interest groups to fund political campaigns. It passed the Assembly and is now in the Senate. 

My request to you is to call your state senator and any other senators you have time to call and state your opposition to this “unseemly legislative power grab” as the LA Times characterized it. Please forward to friends.

This bill would be good for elected officials, not the people they represent. It’s time to write legislation that reduces huge amounts of money flowing from special interest groups instead of increasing it. We want a government of, by and for the people — not the best government money can buy.

Putting this legislation forward in the final weeks of a 2 year legislative cycle shows how unsavory it is. Legislators should be ashamed to cast a vote in favor of AB84. Your call will help stop this wretched legislation.

The Senate roster is here; so far I understand that Senators Allen, Bates, DeLeon, Lara, and Stern are the only ones to say they will oppose the bill. I am sure they are under pressure, so please call their offices and state your support of their position and thank them for representing voters and not their own campaign coffers.

The bill is opposed by Common Cause California, the League of Women Voters, and other good government groups. As many of you know, I was an outspoken advocate for campaign finance reform long before I ran for governor. Unfortunately, we still need to make sure that our elected officials know we are paying attention and we will not tolerate them representing their own crass political interests over the general public’s interests time and again.

Thank you for considering taking time to make these calls; please let me know how it goes.

With appreciation,

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