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Today, California Democratic Party Chair Eric C. Bauman released the following statement after Jeff Sessions’ hateful and divisive speech in Sacramento, where he attacked Democratic leaders for standing with Dreamers and other immigrants across our state, and where he announced Trump’s lawsuits targeting our laws that protect immigrants and our State’s sovereignty:

“Jeff Sessions makes a mockery of justice whenever he uses that word. He is a throwback to a time when sheriffs turned fire hoses and police dogs on peaceful Civil Rights protesters. He has no business serving as Attorney General and he’s not fit to come to California and lecture us on anything. California, however, could certainly teach him much, if he were willing to set aside his bigoted and prejudiced world view and actually listen. We could teach him about inclusion, and compassion, and his obligation to recognize and value the basic human dignity of every person.

“Our leaders, from the Governor and Attorney General to our leaders in the Legislature and local governments across the state are resolute in protecting immigrants from the Trump/Sessions witch hunt.”

We need you to join us…

Let’s make our voices heard: call California’s Republican Members of Congress and demand they stand up to the Trump/Sessions witch hunt:

Paul Cook 202-225-5861
Ken Calvert 202-225-1986
Jeff Denham 202-225-4540
Duncan Hunter 202-225-5672
Darrell Issa 202-225-3906
Doug LaMalfa 202-225-3076
Kevin McCarthy 202-225-2915
Tom McClintock 202-225-2511
Devin Nunes 202-225-2523
Steve Knight 202-225-1956
Dana Rohrabacher 202-225-2415
Ed Royce 202-225-4111
David Valadao 202-225-4695
Mimi Walters 202-225-5611

Democratically Yours,

John Vigna, Communications Director
California Democratic Party