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Democratic Association of Secretaries of State
Today is National Voter Registration Day, and while there won’t be many barbecues or fireworks to celebrate, here at DASS, it’s a holiday worth celebrating.

That’s why I wanted to reach out and make sure you’re registered to vote in California.

You can register, or check your registration, here:

Every year, far too many Americans are unable to vote because they missed the registration deadline, didn’t update their registration when they moved, or they just aren’t sure how to register.

With so much at stake in this election, we need every eligible citizen to register now and vote in November.

Registering to vote is quick and easy. So please, register today, and share this email with your family and friends so they can register, too.


Alex Padilla
California Secretary of State
Chair, Democratic Association of Secretaries of State


DASS is a national organization supporting the election of Democratic Secretaries of State, who are committed to protecting and preserving voting rights and ballot access for all Americans through fair, honest, open, and accurate elections.

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Paid for by Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, Treasurer Nellie Gorbea