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This has been another productive week for the CDP. See below for a recap of the week’s activities.

Platform Committee Hearing
Save the date! The Northern California Platform Committee Hearing is coming up soon – don’t miss your opportunity to shape our Party’s statement of values as we head into the 2018 election cycle.

Platform Committee Northern Statewide Hearing
Saturday, September 23, 2017 10 AM – 12 PM
California Democratic Party Headquarters
1830 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95811

Additionally, you can submit testimony or language proposals online – visit to learn more.

Survey Says!
In our efforts to build a stronger, more effective and more responsive California Democratic Party, we will periodically send out surveys on issues we’re considering.

We currently have two surveys out, and if you haven’t had a chance to complete them yet, please do so. Your feedback helps us shape CDP policy and make our Party more effective for you.

The surveys are on the feasibility of providing childcare at CDP meetings and using mobile app technology to reduce wasteful printing and increase accessibility and transparency for CDP members.

CDP Childcare Survey – please click here
CDP Mobile App Survey – please click here

In Case You Missed It…

CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman responded to the Trump Administration’s decision to end DACA and put almost one million Californians at risk for deportation:

“This is a spiteful and hurtful decision that will result in enormous human suffering for our entire country, not just the ‘Americans-in-all-but-name’ who now face the threat of deportation and separation from their families. This is not who we are as a country, and California Democrats are and will remain united in our opposition to Trump’s assault on immigrants.”

Senator Ricardo Lara penned a message to delegates urging support for his CDP-endorsed bill, Senate Bill 395 to end the school-to-prison pipeline. Check out the great video he released disucssing his legislation!

The CDP also expressed it’s support for Senator Bob Wieckowski’s student loan debt relief legislation, SB 16.

And your CDP Leadership team commemorated Labor Day at events across California. CDP Chair Eric C. Bauman began the day keynoting the Napa/Solano Central Labor Council Labor Day Breakfast while Vice Chair Daraka Larimore-Hall fired up the North Bay Labor Council Breakfast. Chair Bauman then spoke at the South Bay Labor Council Picnic in San Jose, before joining Vice Chair Alexandra-Gallardo Rooker, Secretary Jenny Bach and Controller Dan Weitzman to cap the day off at the Sacramento Central Labor Council Labor Day BBQ.

Napa Solano Activists.jpg  20170904_203315.png  CDP Officers Sacramento CLC.jpg

Unions are the backbone of the California Democratic Party, and your CDP Leadership Team is proud to stand in solidarity with working men and women across California, not just on Labor Day, but every single day of the year.

One week closer to 2018!

— CDP Update